Alvanley Primary School Christmas Fair Monday 4th December 5. 30pm-7 Alvanley Primary School Christmas Fair Monday 4th December 5.30pm-7.30pm Christmas is nearly upon us and we have some fabulous plans for our Christmas Fair, something really special to kick off the festive season. We have some exciting new games and stalls as well as the old favourites such as the chocolate tombola and lucky dip. Delicious food will be available on our BBQ and there will be cakes, hot chocolate, mulled wine and other refreshments available. I am very excited to announce that Father Christmas has once again agreed to come to our fair and will be meeting the children in his Grotto in the new front garden Gazebo. There will be a photo opportunity with Santa and a special keepsake for every child visiting the Grotto as well as a chocolate treat. This is a really special photo gift and additional keepsakes can be purchased, ideal presents for Grandparents! At 6pm we will be holding our Christmas Auction – this is a great fun way to bid for some of the more special gifts we have had donated – including a wonderful night away at the Burlton Inn near Shrewsbury. Remember, all the money raised goes to our school, so come prepared to dig deep and have a bit of fun! Following fabulous feedback from last year we will once again be closing our fair with some fun carol singing. Please join us in the hall at ~7pm when each class will be performing and we will be joining together in a couple of carols to close the evening. Please invite family and friends along for a lovely evening. You have all been wonderful in your donations of bottles and chocolate and I’m sure our hamper donations this week will be equally lovely. We would be grateful also if you are able to help with donating any of the following additional items (the more we have donated the more money we raise for the school!). Pint Pot Tombola Pint pots will be sent home this week and we would be grateful if you could fill them with anything that children love!!! Ideas: chocolates / sweets, pencils, crayons, marbles, be as creative as you like! Just make sure you put a cover / lid over the top! New / nearly new gifts Please have a clear out and donate any new / nearly-new unwanted gifts or unwise purchases (big or small). Small gifts will be available for the children to buy and wrap for their families. Other items can be used as raffle prizes, in the auction or on a gift stall. Teddies, Toys, Books, CDs, DVDs Make space for new toys and donate those you no longer need to our teddy tombola and toy stall. Please only send things that are in reasonable condition Anything else.. … that you think we can sell, raffle, or auction! Donations can be dropped in the green box just inside the hall. They will be collected and stored until the fair. If anyone has ideas for a stall or wants to create their own or sell their own goodies that would be great - please let us know. For everyone else we will be round soon asking everyone to man a stall for half an hour – that way we spread the work and we can all enjoy ourselves! Contact: Karen Chalmers 07759 128272; Lisa Forbes 07712 576528 or Amanda Wilkins 07748 282813