Charter Review Site Visit Superintendent’s Welcome and Overview
Welcome Thank the Charter Review Team, Board Members, System Governance Members, Community Business Partners, District Office Personnel, and Principals for being in attendance. Express our gratitude for the opportunity to be a charter system for the past five years. We believe that it has made a difference in our culture, impacted student achievement, and challenged us to be innovative
Transition with New Superintendent Share that the transition with a new superintendent was smooth and our governance councils have continued to progress toward a culture of transparency and collaboration #OneDawson Mention the mini-grant opportunities, strategic plan and any other key initiatives you want to highlight that occurred when you transitioned in as superintendent.
Strategic Plan Process Explain how our strategic planning process, which involved all of our stakeholders including a DOE Charter Consultant, help us align our system goals and improvement initiatives. This was very beneficial when planning for our AdvancED Accreditation and our Charter Renewal.
Charter Information Explain that the team has all of our past and present charter information, with the exception of one of our major initiatives: the 6th-12th Alignment. We did not include this information in our renewal application because at the time we submitted, the Alignment had not been approved by the BOE. The Alignment falls under one of our focus areas in our Charter Renewal Application, which is to provide extended, rigorous learning opportunities to students.
Charter Information, Cont’d I’d like to spend a few minutes sharing information about the Alignment and how it will help us accomplish our goals. The 6th-12th Alignment was an 18-month long process that involved all of our stakeholders, including our System Governance Council. After months of research, stakeholder & community meetings, and feedback sessions, our SGC made the recommendation for the Alignment to the Superintendent and it was approved by the BOE in December 2015 to be implemented in two phases beginning August of 2016
Charter Information, Cont’d Explain how the Alignment will allow us to provide these extended, rigorous learning opportunities: acceleration of curriculum at 6th-7th, high school credit classes for middle school students, increase MOWR opportunities by partnering with UNG to offer college credit classes here in Dawson County, 9th grade credit redemption/recovery, etc … Share that if the team wants to learn more, additional information has been included in their packets and they can also speak to any of our stakeholders that are present today about this exciting, innovative initiative unique to Dawson County.
Closing Thank the team again. Explain that we are excited to share the great things we are doing in Dawson County. Turn presentation over to Charter Review Team