Locator® Abutment Workflow presentation Overdenture restoration Attachment-retained solution Per-Olof Karlsson Scientist Associate C.D.T. R&D Locator® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors Inc. 398 Library_Overdenture Restoration - Locator_Feb 2012
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Locator® Abutment workflow presentation An attachment-retained solution on edentulous lower jaw. Connected on two implants.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Locator® Abutment: A resilient solution with one Female and one Male Processing Cap Male Retention Repl. Male. Blue Extra Light. Locator® Abutment
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution For an existing and well functioning overdenture the Locator® system can be used in a chair-side procedure. 1. Select abutment height Select the height of the Locator® Abutment by determining the height of the gingiva at its highest point. Choose the corresponding abutment tissue cuff height or the next closest higher size available. The correct tissue cuff height of Locator® Abutment should create a functional attachment 1,5 mm above the surrounding gingival level and not be submerged below the tissue. Gingiva height Disclaimer: Some products may not be regulatory cleared/released for sale in all markets. Please contact the local Nobel Biocare sales office for current product assortment and availability.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution 2. Abutment connection Hand tighten the Locator® Abutment to the implant using the Latch Type Torque Wrench Driver connected to the Manual Torque Wrench Adapter Prosthetic. Tighten the Abutment to 35 Ncm using the Manual Torque Wrench Prosthetic. 2. 3. 3. Place Block-Out Spacer and Denture Caps Place the white block-out spacer ring on each abutment. The spacer ring is used to block out the area surrounding the abutment. Place the denture caps with the black processing males onto the Locator® Abutment.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Anchor denture caps procedure if this has not been created in dental laboratory 4. 5. 4. Hollow out denture base Use an appropriate method to mark the locations of the Locator® Abutments on the existing denture. Hollow out the existing denture base in the areas of the Locator® Denture Caps. 5. Anchor denture caps Fill the receptor sites with prosthetic resin (Light cure or self-curing resin). Apply suitable bonding agent onto Locator® Denture Caps. Lingual connecting holes may be used to anchor the denture caps in the denture. Seat denture and confirm proper occlusion. Cure resin in light occlusion without compression of the soft tissue. Once the resin has cured remove the denture from the mouth and discard the white block-out spacers. Ensure the denture caps are fully embedded with resin. Remove any excess resin and polish the denture.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution 7. 8. 9. 7. Remove processing male Remove the black processing males from the housing using the Locator® Core Tool. 8. Insert replacement male Insert the replacement males using the Locator® Core Tool. 9. Insert finished denture Insert the finished denture and check the occlusion and desired retention.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Dental laboratory technique 1b. Place white block out spacer ring on each Abutment. Place thereafter the Locator® Impression Copings on the Locator® Abutments. Take an impression 1c. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 1d. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden Fill out the impression with the Locator® Impression Copings connected with Locator® Abutments and NobelReplace Tapered Implant replica. Than make a plaster model for creation of a prosthesis.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Dental laboratory technique 1. Fill plaster in the impression and create a master model 1a. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 1b. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 1c. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 2. Make a wax-up and set up prefabricated teeth 2a. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 3. Polymerisation in forecast 3a. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Dental laboratory technique 4. Grinding in the Male hollow Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 5. Placing of the components on model Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 5a. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 5b. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 5c. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden Place white block out spacer ring Place The Male including the Replacement males Check the space 6. Preparation for lightcuring (If this has not been done in clinic) Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 6a. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden 6b.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution 6. Select replacement male Select the replacement males by considering the preferred retention and angle of implant divergence. Courtesy of Per-Olof Karlsson, Sweden
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution Product list for clinical procedures External hex Internal conical Internal tri-channel connection connection connection LOCATOR® Abutment Impression Coping Bar Implant Level Closed Tray Impression Coping Implant Level Closed Tray Alternatives for internal connection: Low Profile Plastic Impression Coping Implant Level Open Tray Implant Replica Disclaimer: Some products may not be regulatory cleared/released for sale in all markets. Please contact the local Nobel Biocare sales office for current product assortment and availability.
Overdenture restoration: Attachment-retained solution LOCATOR® Impression Coping LOCATOR® Female Analog LOCATOR® Male Processing Pkg LOCATOR® Core Tool LOCATOR® Latch Type Driver