Unit 2 About Law?
Your personal understanding of law? Who is involved? LAW Why is it needed? Where? In which context?
The word and its meaning: LAW in the general sense (science, nature, art...) LAW in the strict legal sense DEFINITION (from legal textbooks): “Rules of conduct imposed by a state upon its members and enforced by the courts.” Different sciences can have different views: anthroplogy, sociology, history...
Definitions of LAW From Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: 1. SYSTEM OF RULES (U) (also the law) the whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey 2. ONE RULE (C)a rule that deals with a particular crime, agreement etc. 3. SUBJECT/PROFESSION (U) the study of law as a subject at university; the profession of being a lawyer 4. POLICE (U) (the law) used to refer to the police and the legal system 5. OF ORGANIZATION/ACTIVITY (c) one of the rules which controls an organization or activity
Word formation LAW, n. law-making (legislation) to pass law to abide by the law to break law law- breaking / lawbreaker law enforcement lawful (acting within the law) / lawfully lawless (behaviour) lawlessness (to fight lawlessness in large cities) lawyer lawsuit
Functions of law Read the text, p. 11 and complete the notes. 1. to lay ___________________________________ 2. to establish ______________________________ 3. to facilitate ______________________________ 4. to protect ________________________________ 5. to protect individual _______________________
What is the purpose of law. Read the text, p What is the purpose of law? Read the text, p. 12 and complete the statement. The purpose of law is: to establish and maintain_____________________________________ to manage _________________________________________________ to settle ___________________________________________________ to adopt ___________________________________________________
Discuss in pairs: Do law and morality coincide? Work with your neighbour and write 2 – 4 sentences to explain your opinion.
Law and justice Read the text, p. 12 and write a short comment, explaining the problems related to the interaction between justice and law. PRAVO i PRAVDA?
Law and the State Read the text, p. 12 and answer the following questions: How can a state be defined? Which are the key elements for the establishment of a state? 3. Can a state exist without a law? Can law exist without a state? What a the special features of law in the UK?
Expressions from the Unit 2 rules of conduct / behaviour to impose rules / norms / laws a system of norms /a legal system to regulate human behaviour in conformity with (laws / regulations, etc.) to establish social order neglect or infraction of a norm / law breach of rules to apply rules /laws → application to enforce by coercion resolution of a conflict to resolve / to settle a dispute
Vocabulary exercises. Do the vocabulary exercises: 1. page 13
Put the following words in the right order to get a definition of law: Law is a by which a written or unwritten country is and the activities of governed people and rule organisations are controlled.
The KEY: definition Law is a written or unwritten rule by which a country is governed and the activities of people and organisations are controlled.
Explaining what a law says… Sentence examples: The patent law specifies that the subject matter must be “useful”. The law provides that a witness must be present. These verbs can also be used to express what a law says: The law states / sets forth / determines / lays down / prescribes that…
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences. fight lawlessness conformity applied law proposed lawless The government has ____________ a new _______ to regulate the sale of goods on Sundays. The magistrates criticised the ___________ behaviour of the football crowd. The government is trying to _______ ____________ in large cities. Coercion will be _________ to bring about ___________ with the law.
The KEY: Fill in the gaps in the following sentences. fight lawlessness conformity applied law proposed lawless The government has proposed a new law to regulate the sale of goods on Sundays. The magistrates criticised the lawless behaviour of the football crowd. The government is trying to fight lawlessness in large cities. Coercion will be applied to bring about conformity with the law.
Part Two: Law and Morality Read the summary of the case that Hart and Fuller had a debate about. Sum up the facts of the case. Describe the points of view of the two legal philosophers: 1. H. L. A. Hart – Oxfort 2. L. Fuller – Harvard Law School
Fuller’s Tale of King Rex, p. 16 Describe the eight principles the „inner morality of law” consists of: Principles Description Generality Promulgation Non-retroactivity Clarity Non-contradiction Possibility of compliance Constancy Congruence between declared rules and their official administration