Adult Educational Guidance Initiative (AEGI) Jennifer McKenzie National Co-ordinator
Adult Educational Guidance Initiative – Historic Context NCGE report ‘Guidance in Adult and Continuing Education’ (1998) Green Paper on Adult Education: Adult Education in an Era of Lifelong Learning (1998) White Paper on Adult Education: Learning for Life (2000)
Historic Context The AEGI was set up and funded by the Department of Education & Science under the National Development Plan 2000-2006 NDP 2007 - 2013 Social Inclusion Priority The National Centre for Guidance in Education (NCGE), an agency of the Department of Education & Science, has been given the lead role in co-ordinating and supporting the AEGI. NCGE were given responsibility for the Co-ordination of the AEGI pilot projects from 2000.. JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI
NCGE role in AEGI Co-ordinating the development Co-ordination of monitoring and reporting of AEGI activities Staff development & support & AEGI staff in-service training programme Co-ordinate Service visits and evaluations Provision of technical support National Advisory Group – convene on behalf of DES Report to and advise DES Represent AEGI on other national Advisory groups Educational Management of Adult Guidance (EMAG) Course NCGE Convened the first National advisory group on behalf of the DES to advise on the selection, set up and role out & developments of the AEGI JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI
Aims of AEGI services To provide adult educational guidance, to support participants in 4 priority target groups To develop and document models of good practice To address gaps in the provision of adult educational guidance To build local capacity, to develop support structures and to encourage local partnerships
Structure of AEGI’s 38 AEGI’s managed and administered by VEC’s / WIT Local management / advisory / consortium group Phased introduction Phase 1 – 2000, 8 projects: Phase II -2001,8 Projects: Phase III – 2002, 8 Projects: Phase IV 2006/6 - 15 projects Staff: Adult Education Guidance Co-ordinator / Guidance Counsellor, Information Officer ( min 2 staff) VEC’s ar the Vocational Education Committee WIT Waterford Institute of Technology Each service will have its own locally based advisory group – made up of VEC / WIT management, Local employment services, Local community education providers As this was a pilot project, agencies were invited to apply for funding to run the AEGI service in their area under certain conditions. Funding allocated to successful applicants NCGE co-ordinate the set up on phased basis from 2000 – 2006 JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI
AEGI Priority Target Groups Literacy 1-1’s, groups, FETAC groups, Junior / Leaving Cert, Computers etc VTOS (Vocation Training Opportunity Scheme) Core / dispersed, return to education Groups / FETAC accredited courses etc Adult Community Education Accredited / non accredited / BTEI / VEC / Non VEC Education Finance Board Former residents and their adult family members Originally first 3 were the target groups- now EFB added since 2006. BTEI – back to education initiative Adult Community education – course running in local community educaiton centres – especially in disadvantaged areas. JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI
Models of Guidance Literacy – evening work, awareness raising, appropriate to students level and skills, scheduled not “add- on” VTOS – integrated, scheduled into weekly timetable, access to students Adult Community education - outreach, appropriate, Confidential Outreach Flexible Accessible Adult friendly Innovative approaches Client –specific models of guidance “Non-traditional” Networking – FAS, LES, Teagasc, Social Welfare etc Because when the services started there was no formal guidance available to theses groups, the services were requested to develop models locally to address the guidance needs of theses target groups in their area. Some services worked more in one area than another - but now – we are working on pulling together & sharing all of the best practice ideas for working with the various target groups. In All areas – the model reflects – confidential, outreach, flexible……… JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI
Monitoring / Reporting – Quantitative & Qualitative Data Outreach Local Networking Marketing ICT use Any gaps in Provision in Area? Key barriers for clients in Area? Key issues raised Best Practice Details of Client /Group meetings Target group Education/ Employment details Referral History Local Analysis information Progression details Over 30,000 clients recorded 2000-06 General Public Queries Over the 6 years the AEGI services have completed 4 quarterly reports per year for the DES. These reports were collated on paper by nCGE and figures / reports produced for the DES & National Advisory group Since 2002/3 NCGE have worked with a software company to develop a database for all services – info / data captured JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI
AEGI developments 2007 AEGI and ITABE ( Intensive Tuition for adult basic education) Guidelines for Guidance / Literacy Integration into literacy programme from beginning Training seminar on Barriers to Progression Client Feedback Form pilot Guidelines for working with clients of Education Finance Board AEGI handbook ( revised) Phase IV Evaluation Report
AEGI 2007-2013 €1million extra funding announced 2006 Expansion of services -demographic and geographic spread National Guidance Forum recommendations Self evaluation process For next few years – expansion of existing services National Guidance forum recommendations on guidance will impact on the AEGI – hopefully positively eg Quality Assurance framework , Gudiance Counsellor competencies framework etc JMcKenzie National Co-ordinator AEGI