Time and Timetables Today you will need …… Orange Books Pen Ruler Week 12 Today you will need …… Orange Books Pen Ruler Complete your tracking sheet to evaluate your skills before the lesson
What you need to know E3 –L2 Time – read, measure and record time in common date formats and in the 12-hour and 24-hour clock; know that midnight is 00:00 or 0000 and noon or midday is 12:00 or 1200; understand and use timetables; know the units of time – century, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second; calculate using time by adding and subtracting times in hours and minutes. Understand and use a mileage chart. For example, 70 minutes to 1 hour 10 minutes, 0.36 metres to 360 mm, 0.6 hours to 36 minutes.
Century, Millennium, Decade, Ascending, Descending, What will you learn today? (something you did not know yesterday) By the end of this session I will be able to… Explain period of time Order dates Calculate length of time between 2 dates Create a timeline Use timetables to plan a journey Century, Millennium, Decade, Ascending, Descending, Key Words
Skills Demonstration – Periods of time Minute = Seconds Hour Minutes Day Hours Week Days Month Weeks (Average) Year Months Weeks Decade Years Century Millennium
Skills Demonstration – ordering dates 2nd September 1989 30/9/1990 26/08/1999 4th July ‘99 Put these dates in chronological order 24/6/99 16/6/1969 4/6/99 4/3/98 Twenty Fourth of August 1999 14th July 1998
Skills Demonstration – ordering dates Put these dates in chronological order 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 16/6/1969 2nd September 1989 30/9/1990 7. 8. 9. 10. 24/6/99 4/3/98 4th July ‘99 14th July 1998 Twenty Fourth of August 1999 4/6/99 26/08/1999
Skills Demonstration – How old are you? In years? In months? In days?
Skills Demonstration – Creating a timeline Stuffing and squash mash 20 mins Set the vegetables cooking 15 mins Put turkey in the oven 3.5 hours Roast Potatoes 30 mins - 3 ½ hours - 30 mins - 20 mins - 15 mins 13:30 16:30 16:40 16:45 17:00 Draw in your books and fill in the times for the timeline What time should each item start cooking?
Skills Practice – Creating a timeline Carla leaves the house at 8am Before she goes to work she has to drop the children at school It takes her 5 minutes to drive from home to drop off the first child. It takes her 5 minutes to take the child into the school It takes her 10 minutes to drive to the second school. This child can take themselves in. It then takes her 15 minutes to drive to work. Create a timeline of Carla’s commute to work. What time will she arrive at work?
Skills Demonstration – Timetables
Skills Demonstration – Timetables
Please don’t write on sheets Independent practice Choose which areas to develop depending on your own strengths and areas for development. Diagnostic results green? Aim higher and stretch your skills Please don’t write on sheets
Reflection of the lesson How do you know feel about todays topic What did you learn new today? What are your next steps? How are you going to remember it?