First Film Poster – G.B.F ( GAY BEST FRIEND ) The first poster I have chosen is ’GBF’ the reason I have chose this poster is because the post instantly attracts people with the colour of the post and the font of the writing. You can tell these four characters are the main characters in the movie from the way they are positioned and from the their face expressions. However you can see the male character in the poster stands out the most as he has the same feminine traits as the female characters but is a male . The way they all have their body positioned shows how they are all confident and empowering everyone. Firstly all the female characters are wearing heels because they want to make their point across to show that they are not scared and have more hierarchy then the other girls in the school. Further as you can see the male character is a little a head of the female characters this implies his still a male and to show his still more powerful than the females. The title of the movie ’GBF’ which stands for ‘Gay Best Friend’, has a message to it the title of the film link to the who poster. The message that is said through this poster is a label that marks a homosexual man that had just come out and is surrounded by straight women supporting him and caring for him. Looking at this cover I can tell the genre is drama. The reason I think it’s a drama is because of the colours and the way the characters are positioned, and the pink represents the girly side to all the characters. However, the colours in this poster stand out which means it will catch the audiences attention. Further this leads me to my next point which is the target audience. The target audience for this movie is mainly aimed for teenagers to be more pacific it will be for boy and girls under 17. This sort of movie will generally be related to young teens because the characters are playing a young image of what the target audience may look like so this will interest them more. The title ‘GBF’ which stand for Gay Best Friend has the word gay in it this shows us the male character on front of the poster has a feminine side to him. The colours on the poster is all
Second Film Poster – STEPHEN KING’S ‘IT’ The second poster I have chosen is the old version of ‘IT’ I have chose this poster because the image in front cover’s colour match well and the layout is clear and organised which makes the poster more interesting to look at. However, this poster will help catch peoples interest because of the image at the front it is the perfect size image also the clowns hair is blond and red which will also help it stand out more as well. This leads me to my next point which is the sizing of the character. The image of the clown is the largest on the poster this suggest that the clown is the main character in the movie and also has a important role. Looking at the poster there are also another seven little images of the actors at the bottom the fact that the other seven character are positioned at the bottom with an small image of themselves show us that they are not as important and has not got a big role part like the clown. Furthermore, the slogan at the bottom which says ‘ The master of horror unleashes everything you were ever afraid of’ implies to the audience that the movie its self is a horror movie. As soon as I personally saw this poster I could tell the movie genre was a horror this is because of the colours on the poster and the clowns face. The colour red may signifies the colour of blood or fire, so this means there is danger, power or even maybe love in the movie. In addition, the fact that the clown is smiling shows us the movie can be shown as a comedy or the clown may be smiling because its excited to mess around with people. The clowns nails are also very sharp this shows us he is evil and dangerous. Seeing that there are more male than female actors and there are not a equal amount of both gender shows us the male actors are more capable with the roles in this movie and they suit the parts more. The negatives about this poster is that there is no age restriction. Age restriction is placed on movies so people know what age group the movie is best for, they are normally shown on the front of movie posters for protection of kids. The reason there are age restrictions on movies is because parents believe certain contents that are not for young age kids in the movies may influence their own children to act upon what is shown in the movie and the younger children will start thinking the bad stuff that are shown are actually good. It is used to prevent little children from seeing and experiencing harmful content. Finally, the target audience for the movie ‘IT’ is for teenagers that are interested in horror movies in the cinemas this movie’s age restriction will be an over 18 movie as there may be blood or other harmful stuff for little kids to see. The movie ‘IT’ is an over 18 because it has graphic image that little kids should not see as it may scare them. Horror films generally interest the age group of 18 – 26. The reason for this is because horror movies excite a younger audience more then and older audience