The importance of believer’s baptism 3v13-15


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Presentation transcript:

The importance of believer’s baptism 3v13-15 Matthew 4v1-11 1. Blue Monday The importance of believer’s baptism 3v13-15 The Gospel call is ‘repent & be baptised’ Acts 2v38 Baptism comes after you’ve been saved, not before The family of Philippian jailer? Acts 16v30-34 No baby baptisms, they all understood & believed Baptism should follow quickly after coming to Jesus Acts 9v9-18 If you follow Jesus, follow Him into baptism God honours those who honour Him 3v16-17, Jn 12v26, 1 Sa 2v30 NT baptism is full immersion Matt 3v16, Mk 1v10, Rom 6v1-6

Matthew 4v1-11 1. Blue Monday Blue Monday The ‘day’ after the ‘Sunday’ blessing, the ‘comedown’ Often after great blessing, follows great trial 4v1-2 Be ready, to be forewarned is to be forearmed 1 Pet 5v8-11 Don’t look down, don’t look around, look up & tool up! 1 Pet 5v9 For a short time & His strength gets you through 1 Pet 5v10-11 Remember you too are a son/daughter of the King Matt 3v17 God is totally in control of times of testing/temptation 4v1 Satan can only attack if God gives him permission Job 1v8-12, 2v6 Times when God leads us into periods of testing/temptation 6v13 God uses Satan as a tool for your growth in Christ-likeness 4v1, Gen 50v20 Remember God knows how much you can take 1 Cor 10v13