‘Bed’ Jackie Kay Paper 2 – Set Text
What does your bed mean to you?
Quote Hunt a word that shows the speaker feels like she is an inconvenience to her daughter burden an expression that shows she is angry about her situation blastit three words or phrases that show she feels she is being treated like a child Nappy, champed egg, mashed tattie three words or phrases that suggest she feels ugly Skinny chicken, bubbles, dots, spots, loose flap the four food stuffs mentioned in the poem Chicken, champed egg, mashed tattie, broth, puried neep
Quote Hunt a word that tells us things have changed suddenly an expression or word that tells us the mother and daughter don’t communicate anymore something mentioned that is aging and uncared for, besides the speaker an expression that suggests the speaker isn’t certain her daughter tells her the truth two expressions that suggest the mother and daughter find it difficult to talk about anything important
Quote Hunt an expression that suggests the mother’s unhappiness an expression that tells us the mother feels cold a word or expression that suggests death a word that suggests the mother feels trapped by the room that she is in a word or expression that suggests the mother is frail four words that are repeated at the start of the last two lines.
Set Text Explain how the speaker’s sense of irritation is conveyed in lines 1-6. (4 MARKS) What is the speaker’s attitude towards being old in lines 7-16. (4 MARKS) How does the tone change at stanza 9? (2 MARKS) Choose an image from lines 33-40 and explain how it effective. (2 MARKS) Jackie Kay often explores relationships in her poems. Refer briefly to the central relationship in this poem and go on to discuss a central relationship in at least one other poem by Jackie Kay. (8 MARKS)