MedBiquitous Standards Implementation Workshop Sascha Cohen, University of California San Francisco James Fiore, American Board of Surgery Valerie Smothers, MedBiquitous
Objective By the end of this workshop, you will be able to identify the key considerations when implementing MedBiquitous standards for data exchange or system development. Valerie
Introductions and interests Experience with standards Experience with medbiq standards Interests: standards, interoperability, intra-organization vs inter-organization interchange Expectations for the session ALL
Implementation purpose Collecting data/content from disparate sources Sending data/content to a common source Broad sharing of data/content Enabling system design, integration or 1 to 1 partner collaboration Valerie
Mapping requirements How do your requirements map to the MedBiquitous standard(s)? Do you/your partner have additional requirements for things that are in the standard? Additional elements not in the standard? Rules beyond what is in the XML schema? Sascha
Real Life Example Sascha
Versioning Does the current release meet your needs? Does your partner agree on the version? Coding to a draft spec – risks and rewards What will you do upon subsequent version releases? James
Real Life Example James - ABMS
Find a group with similar puRpose Valerie (if larger group)
Discuss your requirements mapping and versioning ALL 5 minutes
Validating data Local schema? schema (no service guarantee)? Program implementing business rules? No validation? James
Real Life Example James - ABMS
Data governance/data exchange policies Who will determine policies? How will they be communicated or enforced? Sascha
Real Life Example Sascha - AAMC
Discuss data validation and governance ALL 5 minutes
Data exchange models Closed model – known entities (restful vs soap web services) Open model/linked data – unknown data requesters Valerie
Anyone considering the open model? Discuss in large group ALL Anyone considering the open model?
If you have questions Interpretation question – full working group (can go through Valerie) Implementer discussion lists – open to all MedBiquitous meetings/other implementers Documentation on the website Consulting/training Valerie
Closing thoughts Costs Vendor selection Policy Sustainability Sascha
Working Groups The Activity Report Working Group develops standards for the exchange of professional education and certification related accomplishments. The Competencies Working Group develops standards and guidelines for competency and performance level data. The Curriculum Inventory Working Group develops standards for the exchange of curriculum data. The Educational Trajectory Working Group is developing a standard for educational achievement data. The Financial Interest and Disclosure Working Group is developing technical specifications for the exchange of financial interest and disclosure data. The Learning Experience Working Group is developing a set of xAPI profiles for simulations and clinical training activities. The Learning Objects Working Group standards to enable the interoperability, accessibility and reusability of Web-based healthcare learning content. The Metrics Working Group develops standards for the exchange of aggregate evaluation data and other key metrics for health professions education. The Professional Profile Working Group creates for exchanging healthcare professional profile information. Valerie
Open discussion Offer to do detailed data mapping with participants if there is interest