Mrs. Conrad’s Friday Letter September 8, 2017 Important Dates What We’re Learning 📌9/11 - Me Bags Due 📌9/15 - Parent Survey Due 📌9/18 - Homework Begins (notice to follow) 📌9/21 - No School, Rosh Hashanah 📌9/27 - Open House, 7:00PM Reading & Writing ✏️Summer writing ✏️Back to school read alouds Math ➕What do mathematicians do? ➕Guided Exploration of pattern blocks Science & Social Studies 🌎Getting to know our classmates Class Notes 🍎First Week: We have had an exciting week in first grade! We have been getting to know our classmates and exploring our classroom. Our year is off to a great start! 🍎Friday Folder: Today your child is bringing home the first Friday Folder. Remember to check the Friday Folder each week for classwork and important notices. 🍎Parent Survey: In today’s Friday Folder, you will find a short parent survey. Please return it to school with your child by Friday, September 15th. I am looking forward to working with you to help your child grow this year! 🍎Me Bags: Please see the attached notice about Me Bags. Each first grader should bring in his/her Me Bag by Monday, September 11th in order to share with the class next week. Thank you for your help with this project! Mrs. Conrad’s Contact Info: