WASH Cluster 2012 preparedness update August 1st, 2012
Cluster. contingency stock levels - minimum package Cluster* contingency stock levels - minimum package * stock reports received from 14 Cluster partners; including UNICEF Item Basis Available Aquatabs 23 per person / 3 months 2,635,031 Sachets 4,315,240 Leaflets 1 per family 148,467 Soaps 4 per family / month 385,704 JerryCans 2 per family 177,536 Plastic buckets 107,448 Sanitary towels 2 per family, 1/month 114,285 Tarpaulin 1 roll per 20 latrines (1 latrine/40 people) 3,886 Water Tanker Rp 6,750 / 10,000L ($.035 per person per day) N/A Stocks currently available to reach up to 620,000 beneficiaries (with the exception of sanitary towels and water tanker costs) UNICEF and some partners have long-term agreements (LTAs) in place for additional supplies; unclear if other agencies have equivalent arrangements Approximate total cost for Cluster to reach 1 million beneficiaries: USD $4.2 million (including $1.2 million for water trucking); this represents $2.6 million in addition to items in stock
Stock updates received from: Arche Nova Concern Worldwide Mercy Corps NCA Oxfam GB Plan Qatar Charity Relief International Solidarites UN Habitat UNICEF World Vision