Academic Promotions: An Overview Annette C. Reboli, M.D. Interim Dean Professor of Medicine Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
Rationale for Promotion A reward for accomplishments A recognition of stature Keeps the faculty member competitive Advances the interests of the institution
A fully engaged member of the medical school community recognized for promotion is one who demonstrates teaching effectiveness, engages in scholarly activity, performs clinical service, and actively participates in service to the community, the institution, and the profession.
The CMSRU Mission Cooper Medical School of Rowan University is committed to providing humanistic education in the art and science of medicine within a scientific and scholarly community in which inclusivity, excellence in patient care, innovative teaching, research, and service to our community are valued. Our core values include a commitment to: diversity, personal mentorship, professionalism, collaboration and mutual respect, civic responsibility, patient advocacy, and life-long learning.
General Points Academic promotions are subject to full review and approval Promotion is based on meritorious achievements over and above mere competency Time in rank is not a sufficient criterion for promotion
General Points It is expected that every member of the faculty will participate in the medical school’s mission All faculty will contribute to service to the school Outstanding service is not sufficient as the sole basis for promotion Scholarly activity can take place in clinical, teaching/education, or research areas
Designations Academic Educator Academic Investigator Clinician Educator Clinician Investigator
Ranks Instructor Assistant Associate Professor
Categories Full Qualified Clinical Adjunct Emeritus Visiting Lecturer
What Does Coterminus Mean?
Changes in A & P Policy Assistant Professor Pending Board Certification Publication numbers removed for Associate Professor and full Professor ranks Letters of support requirements clarified Additional fine tuning of criteria for Scholarship Pathways Departmental A&P Committees review and approve all appointments above the rank of Assistant
Domains of Faculty Development Teaching (Education) Research/Scholarly Activity Clinical Service Service to CMSRU, the hospital, Rowan University, the community, professional or discipline related organizations
Teaching Distinguished participation in student, resident, fellow and/or peer teaching programs Leadership in student, resident, fellow and/or peer teaching programs Development of innovative teaching and educational materials and/or programs Invited speaker at educational programs and Grand Rounds
Teaching Documented mentoring and effectiveness of students, residents, fellows, and/or peers Outstanding student and resident teaching citations/awards
Scholarly Activity Publications in peer reviewed journals Authorship of books, book chapters, monographs Participation as a principal investigator or co-investigator in peer-reviewed, grant supported research (investigator initiated or cooperative group, clinical, translational, or basic research)
Scholarly Activity Development of innovative teaching and educational curriculum, materials or programs with significant local, regional, or national impact Mentoring students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty in scholarly activity Membership on scientific review boards
Scholarly Activity Membership in scientific societies Leadership role in regional or national meetings and societies Service a as peer-reviewer/editor for clinical and scientific journals Participation as a reviewer for granting agencies (including foundations and the NIH)
Academic Clinical Performance Record of high quality patient care and establishment of a productive clinical practice in an academic setting Record of support for clinical service, demonstration projects, and clinical research endeavors
Academic Clinical Performance Development of innovative treatments, systems of healthcare delivery, or clinical programs Membership in scholarly clinical societies Leadership role in regional or national meetings and clinical societies Participation in regional national, or international professional meetings
Academic Clinical Performance Establishment of a referral based clinical practice Participation as a Board Examiner for recognized certification programs Demonstrated effectiveness as a clinical mentor
Instructor Completion of advanced degree, or accredited residency or fellowship Board eligibility Evidence of potential for effective teaching, scholarly activity, clinical achievement Full engagement as a member of the medical school community
Assistant Professor Board certification Evidence of scholarly activity and continued potential Excellence in teaching Service
Associate Professor Excellence in 2 of the domains and satisfactory in the others Excellence in education/mentoring Scholarship including publication (preferably as first, last, or corresponding author) Reputation locally/regionally Emerging national/international reputation for scholarly activity/research
Promotions to Associate Professor Average number of scholarly products = 18 Median = 15 Range 6-48
Promotions to Associate Professor Average number of scholarly products = 17 Median = 13.5 Range = 6-50 2015-2016: 7 promotions
Professor Excellence in 2 of the domains and above average in the others Excellence in education/mentoring Scholarship including publication (as first, last, or corresponding author) National and/or international reputation is required Scholarly activity should be recent (publications within the last 5 years)
Promotions to Professor 2013-2014 Number of scholarly products, 1st candidate: 15 orig. papers 2 review articles 4 book chapters 21 scholarly products Number of scholarly products, 2nd candidate: 6 orig. papers 5 review articles 1 book 16 book chapters 28 scholarly products
Promotions to Professor 2014-2015 Average number of scholarly products: 46 Median # of scholarly products = 36.5 Range = 16-91 2015-2016: 3 promotions
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice and Teaching for Clinical Faculty Rationale For faculty whose primary activity is clinical medicine and teaching Demonstrated excellence and impact in clinical area Publications are not required but scholarship is encouraged Title “Clinical” prefix before discipline Example: “Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine” Criteria Expertise and leadership in clinical field Local, regional, national reputation Local, regional, national impact
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice and Teaching for Clinical Faculty Examples for achievement of excellence, reputation, and impact Leadership/Administration Quality Improvement Clinical practice development and growth Outcomes Practice-related awards Clinical teaching/mentoring Participation in community outreach, education development, service to the hospital, medical school, university
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Teaching and Educational Leadership for Basic Science Educators Rationale For faculty whose primary activity is teaching and education Demonstrated excellence and impact in educational activities Scholarship is required Title “Medical Education” Prefix before discipline Example: “Assistant Professor of Medical Education in the Department of Biomedical Sciences” Criteria Excellence in discipline, teaching, and educational leadership Local, regional, national reputation Local, regional, national impact
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Teaching and Educational Leadership for Basic Science Educators Examples for achievement of excellence, reputation, and impact Teaching/mentoring of learners Administrative teaching/leadership role Teaching awards Development of educational material in print or other media Service on educational committees
Periods of Service Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor 1-2 years 7-10 years (At least 5 years)
Rowan Employed Faculty “A minimum of 5 years of full-time professional faculty experience if hired before July 16, 2014, or 6 years if hired on or after July 16, 2014, at an accredited institution of higher education is required for promotion to Associate Professor”.
Rowan Employed Faculty …”A minimum of 8 years of full-time professional faculty experience if hired before July 16, 2014, or 9 years if hired on or after July 16, 2014, at an accredited institution of higher education is required for promotion to Professor”.
Promotions Timeline Faculty candidate submits letter of intent to Dean and Department Chair due August 1st Promotion materials and references submitted to Departmental A&P Committee due September 1st Letters of support requested by Department Chair – by October 1st
Promotions Timeline All materials are submitted to CMSRU A&P Committee due December 1st CMSRU Advisory Committee on A & P concludes work and transmits recommendations to the dean The dean forwards affirmative actions to the President of Rowan University BOT of Rowan acts on promotions recommendations--- June
Departmental A &P Committees Anesthesiology Biomedical Sciences Emergency Medicine Medicine OB/GYN Pediatrics Surgery Pathology Family Medicine, Psychiatry, Neurology, PM&R Orthopedics, Radiation Oncology, Radiology Neurosurgery
CMSRU Advisory Committee on Appointments and Promotions Advisory to the Dean Appointments and promotions 12 voting members All Associate or Full Professors Chair John D. Baxter, M.D.
A and P Committee Members Julieta Barroeta, MD Brigitte Baumann, MD Rachael Berget, MEd (ex-officio) Rao Gogineni, MD Michael Goodman, MD Daniel Hyman, DO Robin Perry, MD Annette Reboli, MD (ex-officio) Steven Ross, MD Francis Spitz, MD Gary Stahl, MD Perry Weinstock, MD Charlene Williams, PhD
Teaching Portfolio An executive summary of the faculty member as an educator Concise and selective Sufficient to provide a record of teaching activities and evidence of teaching effectiveness
Data Relevant to Teaching Activities Curriculum Development Mentoring/Advising
Curriculum Development List educational materials created (lectures, cases, assessment tools, OSCEs, web materials) Courses, Clerkships, Residency/Fellowship programs Education and teaching materials CME
Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness Student and resident evaluations Course materials Peer review Professional recognition Participation in Professional Development
Additional Teaching/Educational Activities Contributions to scholarly teaching societies Teaching awards Invited lectures on teaching/education
Teaching Dossier 1-3 page summary of the teaching portfolio Organized with the same general headings Address your teaching philosophy Reviewed and signed by the division head or departmental chair
What You Can Do Strive for excellence in all you do! Short and long term planning Mentors Help your chair make the case! Seek feedback
For Junior Faculty Document—your teaching, research, and service Enhance your visibility– become known outside of this institution Teaching is essential Focused service– don’t overdo it early, but contribute where it makes sense and you can make a contribution
Preparing Your CV for Your Promotion Packet This document represents you and your career—make it perfect! Follow the CMSRU CV format—posted on the CMSRU website —exactly! Please check over all of your publications and make sure that the citation information is accurate! CMSRU A&P members do look at those! do check that information!
Preparing Your CV for Your Promotion Packet Make sure that dates are correct and that there are no large gaps in your education, board certification or work history Multiple mistakes on your CV will cause the CMSRU A&P Committee members to question how seriously you take the desire to be promoted
CMSRU A&P Committee – Information for Faculty Available Resources CMSRU A&P policy Promotions materials Informational powerpoint presentation Appointment materials
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