Welcome to National Honor Society Please take a seat. We will start at 2:15.
Introduction Meet your officers and advisors: Advisors - Mrs. Elvrom and Ms. Flaherty President – Yeweon Lee VP of Public Relations – David Mai VP of Membership – Mikayla Gingrey VP of Community Service – Hannah Bender Secretary – Claudia Krumpach Treasurer – Andrew Samms
Requirements for Membership Maintain a 3.5 cumulative grade point average Complete ate least 5 hours of NHS volunteer service and 10 hours of service outside of NHS per semester (all 15 hours can be NHS volunteer service) Uphold honorable characteristics (honesty, responsibility, courtesy, etc.) Pay the $10.00 fee online or at Student Accounts Attend at least 3 meetings per year Donations are welcomed, but not required. Donations must be paid separately from the $10.00 fee.
Probation If your GPA falls bellow a 3.5, you will be notified and placed on probation for one semester. If your GPA is not back up to a 3.5 by the next grading period, you will be removed from the roster. You can also lose membership for not completing your hours or acting in a dishonorable way. IMPORTANT: If you commit yourself to volunteer, make sure you attend the event or you will be notified and placed on probation. If you have an emergency, make sure to give your notice 48 hours before the event. You will be asked to add these hours on to the 15 hour requirement if you do not call or show up.
Important FYIs NHS meets on the first Tuesday of each month We meet in the CHS cafeteria at 2:15 and are usually done by 2:45. If you are unable to attend a meeting, you can visit the CHS NHS page and view the minutes from the meeting to keep informed of volunteer opportunities and other important info. Formal induction banquet will be on May 30, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:00 in the CHS cafeteria (Semiformal) NHS Gear will be on sale from Tuesday, February 14, 2017 (AKA Today) to Tuesday, February 21, 2017 (AKA Next Tuesday)
Social Media Facebook Friend request David Mai Useful for notification and signing up for volunteer events to get your hours. Remind: text @chs1617nhs to 81010
Volunteer Hours Documentation 2nd Semester hours will be due June 6, 2017. You will need to submit the correct documentation form (available today, outside Mrs. Elvrom and Ms. Flaherty’s classrooms, and on the CHS NHS webpage)
Continued Please fill the form out correctly, which means: All signatures and phone numbers are present All dates of service provided and correct All events include a description of the service Check which events are NHS events Total all of the hours at the bottom of the page Attach the blue “wallet” slip if that has a signature and note (see attached) in the signature line.
What does not count as community service hours? Church service Babysitting If you participate in a fundraiser (concessions, takeovers, etc.) that benefits you or a club organization you participate in. Parents are not allowed to sign community service hours!
Service Opportunities Tiger Buddies and Ukulele Club Fridays At Sunset Primary 2:40 – 3:40 (Tiger Buddies) 3:40 – 4:40 (Ukulele Club)
Service Opportunities Families Unlimited Network 10 reserved spots for the 3rd Thursday of each month 3:15 – 5:00 PM Saturdays are NOT reserved
Service Opportunities SPOT Tutoring Attend to 8 meetings Commit to attend a day per week 3:15 – 5:45 PM Hours will be signed at the end of 8 meetings Contact Laura Suders if interested: lauras@familiesunlimitednetwork.org At University Place Presbyterian Church
Service Opportunities Tacoma Rescue Mission Downtown campus: 425 S. Tacoma Way Adams ST. Family Campus: 2909 S. Adams ST., Tacoma Long pants, closed toed shoes (prepping/serving food) You must register online, so get a flyer today! Come in anytime for NHS Monday - Thursday
Service Opportunity Drum Intermediate Homework Helper 2 – 3 volunteers (more is welcome) Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (entire year preferred ,but not required.) 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM Preferred if you can volunteer all 3 days, but not required. 5th – 7th graders Need most help in math and language arts
Service Opportunity Evergreen Science Fair Tuesday, February 28th Evergreen Primary Shift 1: 6 PM – 8 PM 10 - 12 volunteers Shift 2: 6 PM – 7:30 PM 2 volunteers
Service Opportunities Presidents Cup Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Sunday, February 19 8 AM – 3:30 PM Boys & Girls Club (3875 South 66th Street Tacoma, WA 98409) Karli Schwimmer: (253)404-3955 or karlis@tacomaparks.com FYI: It’s during midwinter break
Service Opportunities Father – Daughter Dance Saturday, March 11th Shift 1: 3 PM – 7 PM Shift 2: 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM At STAR Center Tacoma (3873 S. 66th Street, Tacoma 98409 FYI: Volunteers should wear khaki or black pants and a dress shirt preferably white