National Honor Society (takes on December!) December 6th at 7:10 & 3:10 7th at 7:10 & 3:10
NHS Winter Holiday Party For all our NHS members who want to de-stress before finals or just want to come and have a good time! It'll be December 11th from 3pm-5pm. To enter, you must have a either a canned food or diapers. We will be donating the canned food to Open Door Mission and the Diapers to the Lydia House before break! (If you're in a group, it'd be a good idea to split the cost of a pack of diapers ) Ugly Sweaters are encouraged but not required If you are missing a NHS sponsored hour, we will count your attendance to our party towards that. It's the day hours are due so we're being gracious... Hot chocolate, popcorn, gold fish, and fruit snacks will be provided. You are welcomed to bring a snack or drink to share. We will have board games, coloring sheets, etc. And plan to begin the movie at 3:15!
We Have a Twitter Poll happening right now, asking which movie you would like to watch... and our choices are....
Volunteer opportunities Reminders! Lifegate Christian School Christmas Boutique/Craft Fair This is happening this Friday and Saturday! Friday shifts (3pm-5pm & 5pm-7pm) are all filled up but we do have a couple spots for Saturdays shifts... 6am-8am, 8am-10am, and 2pm-5pm Go to if you want to sign up and mention you're with Burke NHS! Food is provided for the shift you choose!
Volunteer opportunities Reminders! Ruth Sokolof Christmas Party This Sunday from 9am-1:30pm There are only a couple of spots left (like 3 or 4) so if you would like to volunteer talk to Kassidy and then email and let him know you're interested in volunteering and you're with Burke NHS!
Volunteer opportunities We will be making Holiday cards to donate to the hospital before winter break! It'll be December 14th and 15th from 3:05-4:35. This will count towards NHS hours, a good start to the hours that will be due in May! We will have the supplies for the most part, but if you have fun crafting supplies feel free to bring it! Sign up in the back if you can make it!
Volunteer opportunities Remember that the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home is always looking for volunteers to help assist their residents. This winter break could be the perfect opportunity to get trained and begin a life-changing volunteer opportunity! (Juniors especially, this could be a huge help for you next year if you run out of time and need a NHS sponsored hour or 2!)
To keep you updated... ((T-shirts are being reordered because we missed a few people. If you have decided you would like to purchase one, put on a piece of paper your name, 6th block teacher, the size, and color you want. They will be a little more pricier this time due to the significantly lower amount of shirts we will be ordering. $12. But do talk to us if you want one!) To clarify, any hours before ((September)) 2017 will not be eligible for the December 11th due date. If you are a second year member, they could have counted towards your end of 2016- 2017/start of 2017-2018 deadline for hours. First year members, you were exempt from that due date. If you had to make up hours from the last due date, you needed to use new volunteer hours for those ones as well as your new due hours. If you feel there was miscommunication, talk to us and we will help sort it out. This also applies for the next due date. We need to be volunteering during the chapter and not just be relying on hours from a year ago. Remember, you may not make up any more hours after this due date. We did it to help last year members but have higher expectations since we've been more proactive.
Updates! Next meeting will be on January 10th and 11th in the morning. The next hour due date will be March 1st and only 5 hours will be due. The other 5 will be due May 8th. We split it in half to help you guys organize your hours and stay on top of your game. This will also give seniors time to get their last hours in so they can earn their medallions. These 5 hours can be regular hours or NHS hours but has to have at least 1 hour of NHS Sponsored Opportunity. But, you will still need 3 NHS hours by May 8th. Example: March 1st Due Date (5) May 8th (5) 1 Holiday Cards 12/11 (NHS) Jewish Home (NHS) 3/10 2 Nursing Home 1/27 Spring Marathon (NHS) 3/28 3 Spring Marathon 3/28 4 Cleaning Church 2/2 Easter Hunt @ Church 4/12 5 Food Pantry 2/5 Food Pantry 4/19
Reminders! Keep communicating with us, you guys are being so proactive and we appreciate it! Text @burkenhs18 to 81010 ^if you have not joined by now, you are being the opposite of proactive... If you are ever volunteering and get a chance to snap a photo, do it! Then share it on twitter and tag @_burkeNHS or share it via remind! We love to show off how hard all of you work to help our community be a better place! If you need to turn in hours, put it in our make-shift mailbox instead of giving it to an officer! We find it easier to keep track of it by doing it this way! Hours are due on Monday at 3:30! The party can earn you one NHS hour! If you're there we will count you after the party is over and if you'll be there but will be late, let us know and we can arrange it so your hours aren't due until after the party! Hope to see you all there!
Good luck on finals (and other tests) and have a great break!