theories of THE BIG BANG By: Liam L.
The big bang theory is what scientists believe is what created the universe in a massive explosion 14 million years ago expanding millions of miles per second.
Theory 1 The most popular theory of the big bang is a proton circling a neutron. Over trillions of years they got closer and closer until… THE BIG BANG!!!!!!!!
Theory 2 Another theory is when all the energy, in the universe to be, was concentrated in one spot gathering every electron, until one microscopic explosion created a chain reaction, creating decillions of explosions until the universe was created.
Theory 3 Scientists believe the world started in a bubble smaller than the size of a pinhead. It was hotter and denser than anything we can imagine. The bubble got denser and denser until the bubble couldn’t hold any more and the bubble released a ton of energy really fast creating galaxies, planets, and most importantly, the universe.
My theory My theory is that an unstoppable object circling an immovable object, both filled with a lot of energy, for trillions of years getting closer and closer until they collided head on releasing roaring energy creating the universe. I think this because I’ve heard stories of it except with 2 unstoppable objects, but I thought it wasn’t going to collide because they could be going the same way at the same speed never colliding.
Websites Used Book: Visual Encyclopedia of SPACE
Vocabulary Decillions is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 A neutron is a subatomic particle (background) A proton is what makes up a neutron’s nucleus (background center)
Thanks for listening!!