VCE Exams 2016
On the day of your exam Please arrive half an hour before the exam start time. Come through the main admin office door and meet in Room 8. Your lockers will be available to store your phone/bag. Please respect the ‘quiet’ signs as there may be other exams still in progress when you arrive.
You must bring…. Basic stationery, ie. Pens Pencils Highlighters Erasers Sharpeners Rulers Spare batteries for your calculator Bring your stationery in a clear bag (zip-lock is good). Note: The Supervisor will not have spare stationery, nor will you be allowed to borrow from another student during the exam.
Allowed Items Water – in a clear bottle with no labels. Dictionary for the English exam – no highlights, annotation or tabs. Scientific Calculator for Chemistry, Further Maths, Methods, Physics. Check ‘Approved Materials’ in the Navigator.
Not allowed Phones Devices Smart watches Hats
During the exam No talking in the exam room. Raise your hand if you need the Supervisor. Toilet breaks will be supervised. You must stay to the end of the exam. Leave the room quietly as there may be students still writing.
Read Your Navigator!!