Year 10 Subject Selection Chemistry


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Presentation transcript:

Year 10 Subject Selection Chemistry

Course Description This unit goes for one semester. It covers atomic structure, chemical bonding, mole theory, and chemical reactions including acids and hydrocarbons. Safe laboratory practice and lab skills are emphasised. Students require a solid grasp of mathematics to cope with chemistry theory.

Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom activities. Some examples of some of the activities include: Use of a burette Use of a pipette Testing chemicals for pH Modelling of organic molecules. Practical Reports Assignments Topic Tests End of Semester Exam

Subject pathway…. Students who undertake this subject acquire solid preparation for studying VCE Chemistry. Disciplines of Science covered in course include: Chemistry. Maths concepts such as scientific notation and algebra are also covered. VCE pathway: VCE Chemistry. It is strongly advised that students who choose to undertake VCE Chemistry should complete the Year 10 Chemistry course.

Extra activities/costs? There are no extra costs to students. There are no excursions or camps with this subject. Students are expected to participate in all laboratory practical activities.

More information…. Dan Crowe Yr 12 students attending a VCE Chemistry workshop at the University of Melbourne as part of the Unit 3 Chemistry course.