Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data The collaborative approach between the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Office of Topography Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Mainstreet 35 Name Referent/in, Organisationseinheit / Projekt | Titel der Präsentation | Anlass | Datum
The challenge of addresses For the citizen : «Home sweet home» For the postman : a place I have to go through For the administration : a place where I have to provide services For the land surveyor : a point on my map For the statistician : a location to link my data Needs a common understanding, common definition, common ontology Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
How to work together ? Meeting of the main users at national level Swiss Post Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying Representatives of the Cantons Swiss Federal Statistical Office Decisions : A unique, harmonized address dataset is a requirement for all partners Addresses has to be accessible free of charge (open data) Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
What to do together Common definition and ontology about building and address Ordinance on building and dwelling register & ordinance on geographical names (same definition of buildings and addresses) Instruction for the registration of the buildings by the Swiss cadastral survey and the building and housing register Conjointly defined processes Collaborative process for acquisition and update of the data Unified processes for data exchange, including technical specifications Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Cadastral surveying : organization and roles Continuous update of cadastral surveying Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Building and dwelling register : organization and roles 135’000 active construction projects, identified by a federal constr. project id. number (EPROID) 2,1 millions buildings, identified by a federal building id. number EGID 2.2 millions addresses, identified by a federal address id. number (EGAID) 4,3 millions dwellings, identified by a federal dwelling id. number (EWID) Housing Transmission using the on-line form provided by the SFO BDR Transmission using a commercial software with implemented web-services ETL Transmission using the secured exchange platform from the SFO Database administrated by the SFO Building permit form filled up by the landlord or by the achitect Information about construction projects and buildings are transmitted by the local authorities Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Standardization of data exchange Promote eGovernement in Switzerland, promote innovation and sustainable solutions Public private organisation Objective : facilitate electronic transactions between government and business & citizens Expert groups are working to define and develop standards Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
How buildings are registered Semi-detached houses 2 EGID , 2 EGAID Construction project Building Addresses Dwelling Stable basic data, such as age, dimension, energy supply, etc… Cadastral surveying, GIS data including parcels, buildings, addresses, etc. Terraced Houses 1 EGID , 6 EGAID BDR EGID = Federal building identification number EGAID = Federal address identification number
The main process (registration of a new building) An address is assigned to new building Construction authorities of the commune Send application form for a construction project Land surveyor Informations about new building are transmitted Owner or architect Standardized processes EGID of new building is transmitted Cadastral DB (canton) New building is registered with its EGID Building identification number (EGID) is assigned to the new building RBD Register the project and building informations Check service Access the RBD to check the addresses Survey informations are controlled Federal geoportal Geocoded addresses are published Update the RBD with coordinates and parcel number Cadastral DB (confederation) Cadastral data, including EGID are transmitted FSO Cadastral data are made accessible Services and database managed by swisstopo Register managed by FSO Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Geocoding of statistical surveys Population census Business census EGID EGID EGID EGID Address comparison BDR EGID EGID BER EGID Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Production system Inside FSO Individual data (Point data set) Building identification number (EGID) Coordinates Social insurance number (UID) EGID business identification number (IDE) Business and enterprise register Register of buildings and dwellings Population register UID EGID … IDE Coordinates Extraxtion of snapshots Snapshots for statistic production Datasets from other surveys IDE / EGID / UID Primary key Foreign key Tabular data Statistical production system Individual datasets are enriched with coordinates Datasets are related using EGID Aggregated data (Grid data set) Individual data (Point data set) Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Dissemination FSO Web Portal Download Metadata Catalog National Geodata Infrastructure (GDI) On-line maps Web-services Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November
Lessons learned Standardisation between partners with different visions of the same subject needs a lot of discussions Use of identification number for conjointly defined object is a necessity Data acquisition is lot of work… The long-term maintenance of the database needs perfectly designed processes and a common understanding of the issue We can now take advantage of a reliable information system on building and addresses, although it must still be improved ! Romain Douard | Building and dwelling register as a base for the production of geostatistical data | Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards 2017 | 6-8 November