Samuel Eisner, Georgia MacNaughton, Christine Hughes, Nathaniel Lord Post-Classical Korea Samuel Eisner, Georgia MacNaughton, Christine Hughes, Nathaniel Lord
Social After being taken over by the Tang dynasty of China, Korea adopted many of China’s social structures Confucianism was adopted by the Korean elite class Women largely regarded as property, similar again to China Highly educated young men were sent to China in order to study and take the civil service examinations (which are later adopted into Korean society as well)
Political: Dynastical kingdoms: Silla, Balhae from 698-926 CE Silla was formed from the early three kingdoms, Balhae from Goguryeo and was very advanced Caste system of government Eventual farmer revolt Wikipedia
Later Three Kingdoms 892-936 and Unitary dynastic period Silla eventually collapses along with Baekje criticised for Bone Rank System Goguryeo takes over all for eventual complete control of peninsula (becomes Goryeo) Goryeo run as an empire (leaders were emperors) eventual fall in 1392 due do Usurper Yi Seong Gye Wikipedia
Interactions Tang china originally helped the Silla originally unite. War with the Liao dynasty in northern China throughout many invasions Khitans often tried to make peaceful contact, but were often turned away and banished Constant close relations to five dynasties in China Fearing the Jin, after they had destroyed the Liao, they became a vessel state of the Jin 1392 Goryeo falls due to Yuan dynasty influence causing a revolt. "高丽油画" by GeorgeZhao - Own work.
Cultural sinification: the spread and adoption of Chinese culture Strong influence from Tang China Writing and artwork were visibly modeled after the Chinese Buddhism moved its way to Korea through China Confucianism as well (among the more elite) Traveling scholars brought new academic and technological knowledge from different lands
Economic Much of Korea’s trade involved supplying luxuries for the elite. To support the importation of luxuries, Korea exported raw materials. Artisans remained in the lower ranks of Korean society. Korea failed to develop a distinctive merchant class. The lower ranks of Korean society existed to serve the elite. Salvationist Buddhism promised an afterlife as a release from the drudgery of service to the Korean aristocracy.
Reasons for the decline Mongol invasion in 14th century interrupts contacts with China After the loss of Chinese control, Korea begins to attempt independance. Series of small wars result in short lived dynasties which last between 6 and 50 years at a time General political unrest remains until after the end of the post-classical era