Root hair cells Water is absorbed from soil into root hair cells Have high surface area for absorption of ions and osmosis High concentration of dissolved ions in root hair cells promotes osmosis
Trees have an internet, and it works… Fungal mycaelia suck up water and nutrients that the fungus gather from the soil.
Water and minerals move from roots into the XYLEM….
Why does water move UP through xylem vessels?
Transport in Xylem To help the flow of water xylem cells have: PULL: no cytoplasm holes in their cell walls and LIGNIN, spiral thickening to prevent them from collapsing under tension PULL: Water movement in xylem is caused by transpiration pull - the evaporation of water in the leaves causes tension in the cells of the leaf and tension in the xylem tubes STICK: Cohesion sticks water together and creates tension in xylem. Adhesion to the xylem cell walls tends to pull water up the xylem vessel. Capillary action pulls water up vessel PUSH: Water uptake through osmosis in the roots pushes water into xylem
Water LEAVES the plant via the stomata