Multiplatforming Recycle, Reuse, Reformat… Just Don’t Reinvent


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Presentation transcript:

Multiplatforming Recycle, Reuse, Reformat… Just Don’t Reinvent Mary Brantner Communications Manager Municipal Association of SC

Sound familiar? Website full of great content Staff engaged in sharing information and news important to your members Publications tell great stories Presence on social media platforms Organization/issues covered by traditional media

But feedback shows… People you serve say they aren’t getting all the information they need from your organization. …this despite the fact you are running yourself ragged creating new content for websites, publications, email and social media.

Why? Reading and learning habits are changing Gone are the days when you can post information to a website or print in newsletter and be done with it. Needs to be shared in multiple places. “Readers” want to access content differently. People have to hear/see it 7x to remember the message. Break through the clutter!

Any tool your organization uses to communicate with key audiences What are platforms? Any tool your organization uses to communicate with key audiences Website / print and electronic publications / signage / partner organizations / social media / meetings / field staff / marketing materials / remote office interaction / news media / surveys / receptionist and front lines staff / stationery and business cards / vmail / email / press releases / exhibits / WOM / blog / staff communication

Recycle Reuse Repurpose Remember the 3 R’s Recycle Reuse Repurpose

What’s an organization to do? Multiplatform! Strategically reusing, recycling and reformatting content to tell your story in a deeper, more engaging, way to make new topically-connected content from different parts of the organization’s storehouses of content

Steps for Successful Multiplatforming 1 – Create an organization-wide strategy. Long-range goals and short-range targets of opportunity Not about creating more or new content About leveraging the most and best use out of what you’ve created then adding to that, if needed

Steps for Successful Multiplatforming 2 - Audit all the platforms (communications tools) you have available to your organization. Simple spreadsheet Think beyond just print and digital and beyond your traditional communications tools

Link to the full spreadsheet

Steps for Successful Multi-platforming 3 – Know your content. What do you already have? Content ownership is key. Know where your content is hidden.

Steps for Successful Multi-platforming 4 – Identify targets of opportunity Set yourself up for success. Involve people all over your organization, not just the communications staff. Marketing plans? Creative briefs?

Steps for Successful Multi-platforming 5 -Identify the content you are pushing out over these platforms. Publish once and reference that content again and again in different ways. Don’t re-use the same way. Remind people content is there.

Format for different delivery methods Articles - print/post on web, can be reformatted for video for web or YouTube Series can be recompiled as an ebook Same in reverse, handbooks/ manuals can be a series of articles/video Blog posts Articles News releases Tweets Facebook posts Slides (shareshare/video) Forum posts (listserves) Reports Read them for audio If have videos, have them transcribed for written content then do all of the above Strip audio for podcasts Just have audio? Add slides to match and combine

Link to the full spreadsheet

Pay attention to the details “South Carolina made history this year by passing education reform. We will no longer educate children based on where they are born. Through reading coaches, technology investments, and expanding charter schools we just confirmed that we want our children to be the future workforce for our growing high tech jobs! #ItIsAGreatDayInSC”

Twitter Post “South Carolina made history this year by passing education reform. We will no longer educate children...”

Forgotten? Unloved? Unneeded? Relegated to online Siberia? So what happens to all your great content after it’s initially pushed out ? Forgotten? Unloved? Unneeded? Relegated to online Siberia?

Case Studies Short range target of opportunity – utility workers in a snow storm Long-range goal – roll-out of a standardized business license application

Target of Opportunity Case Study Value of Utility Workers Reinforce the value of city workers Educate on the work they do Frame as a media pitch Drive to various areas of the website Link it all through social media Membership reinforcement

Link to blog post Promoting SCAMPS Uptown article about role of utility directors Identify content Plant the seed Set up the story Feed the information No new content – just recycled into something new minute time investment At least 5 news mentions At least a dozen retweets and favorites Uptown article about lineman training

Link to blog post Uptown article about mutual aid Promoting SCAMPS

Long-range Planning Case Study Standardized Business License Application Internal and external education about the application Awareness of this business-friendly practice Educate on the work of BL officials Drive to various areas of the website Membership reinforcement Link it all through social media

Link to the full spreadsheet

Internal education Uptown article Listserve emails BLOA meetings Uptown Update blurb Endorsements and encouragement from BLOA members, board members, MASC staff

Weekly member email

Link to blog BLOA Related article in Cities Mean Business magazine BL accreditation program BLOA reference In another context

Partner organizations

State Chamber of Commerce magazine

SC Restaurant and Lodging Association magazine

Columbia Chamber of Commerce blog

SC Association of CPAs website and email

Does it work? Chamber blog – 133 clicks NPR story – 139 clicks

Link to list of cities adopting the application – 608 clicks

Link to standardized application – 408 clicks

Questions? Mary Brantner Communications Manager Municipal Association of SC Twitter: @muniassnsc Blog: