Evangelism for the Missionary Church Toward a new reality where mission, evangelism and excitement infuse our institutional DNA
Our love for Jesus: The Greatest Good The primary goal of evangelism must be for the evangelist to grow in her love for Jesus. God does not need us. “God can create children from Abraham from these very stones” (Matt 3:9). The only way to grow our congregations is by not making “growth” an idol. The question what do we want is infinitely more generative than what do we want to avoid?
The question for the Missionary Church: what do we want? “I want devoutly irreligious people and nominally religious people to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ who live out their love for Jesus from an unabashedly Episcopalian perspective.”
Membership Paradigm Give money to support the people that do ministry (mission follows money) Leave the mess at home and keep up the façade that “all is well” The mission field is exciting! Too bad it’s so far away … Primary Goal: Get members and retain members by expecting very little from them
Discipleship Paradigm Ministry belongs to all of God’s People (the money will follow the mission) Faithfulness is costly and can only be sustained with communal support The mission field begins in the sanctuary and moves out into our neighborhood (family, workplace, gym, etc.) Primary Goal: make disciples – we expect you to find your life by losing it
Implications for Leaders “Evangelism for the Missionary Church means moving from the membership paradigm to the discipleship paradigm at the institutional level.” This requires thought, prayer, longevity, and must be seen as a process.
Implications for Leaders Mission focused leaders give the work of ministry to other people – “you will be my witnesses” Mission focused leaders routinely articulate how embracing the cross helps us love Jesus more
In the Diocese of Texas Forming commissions (co-mission!) that give work back to the people of the Diocese of Texas Connecting formation workers at the convocational level for fellowship, spiritual formation and leadership development
Recap Evangelism first about our need to share Our love for Jesus is the highest good Focus on discipleship, not membership Ask, what do we want (to avoid)? Give work to others Connect sacrifice with love and joy Resist the quick fix and embrace the process Commit first to your own spiritual growth