DISTRICT IMPACTS OPTION A OPTION B OPTION G INSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HS 8:00 - 2:35 MS 8:45 - 3:20 (SECC) EE 9:20 - 3:50 LE 9:55 - 4:25 MS 7:50 - 2:25 HS 8:30 - 3:05 (SECC) EE 9:10 - 3:40 LE 9:45 - 4:15 EE 7:50 - 2:20 LE 8:20 - 2:50 MS 9:00 - 3:35 (SECC) HS 9:50 - 4:25 (-/+) Impact for Elem field trip (-) sub optimal learning time for Elementary (-) HS starts pretty early (-/+) Students taking advanced classes (Elem --> MS) (-/+) Impact for Elem field trip (+/-) Impact to late start "day" (early release only) (-/+) Title 1 schools will be late elementary (-) MS starting at 7:50 is too early for “Adolescent” parameter (+/-) staffing coverage 0-6/7 review (-) Wanic--multiple districts attending CTE classes (Lake Wa, Bellevue, Mercer island, Snoqualmie, Shoreline, Riverview) (+/-) ATP: Jobs/internships/transp. (-) Early Release: prof development for staff (+/-) Students taking advanced classes (Elem --> MS, MS --> HS) (+/-) Impact to late start "day" (early release only?) (-/+) Title 1 schools will be late elementary (-) loss of HS or Elem teachers who do no like drastic change (-) difficulty completing 24 credits grad requirement INSTRUCTION (-/+) Before/After activities (-/+) Elem enrichment program by PTA (-/+) Elem Band/Strings* (-/+) Elem Band/Strings* (-/+) Elem enrichment program by PTA (-/+) Elem enrichment program by PTA (-/+) Elem Band/Strings* ACTIVITIES (-) Elementary sports impacted by darkness (-) HS students missing 1-2 periods for games (-) Elementary sports impacted by darkness (+) least amount of impact to HS sports (-/+) Practice or game schedules (-) HS students missing classes for sports (+) Elementary after school sports ending in daylight (-) Additional costs for HS field time and lights SPORTS (-) Late dismissal for elementary limits afterschool activities (-/+) Community use fields (-) Child care support (after school) (-/+) Community use fields (-) HS students leaving early for other activities(Jobs, Sports, Appointments) (-) Late dismissal for elementary limits afterschool activities (-/+) Community use fields COMMUNITY (+) State Efficiency ratings remains close to 100% (-) Late Elementary Students being dropped off near 5:00pm tri(-) Potential impact to shuttles for field trips and sports events with a later bell time (+) Later start time provides additional time to assess road conditions during inclement weather (+) Closer to daylight hours for students waiting at bus stop (+) Drivers will be able to retain their bid hours (-) Potential for behavioral problems for elementary students on PM routes due to later drop off (-/+) Neighborhood program placement decreases transp costs (-) Very late drop off for special ed (+) State Efficiency ratings remains close to 100% (+) Elementary students returning home before dark ( and no students walking home in the dark) (+) Potential less behavioral problems for elementary students on PM routes (+) Less elementary load zone staffing issues (+) Driver bid hours will retain or increase (+) Later start time provides additional time to assess road conditions during inclement weather (+/-) Potential impact to shuttles for field trips and sports events with a later bell time for all schools( But more buses available after high school) (-/+) Neighborhood program placement decreases transp costs (-) HS students getting out of school at peak traffic commuting times (+) Closer to daylight hours for students waiting at bus stop (+) Drivers will be able to retain their bid hours (+) Later start time provides additional time to assess road conditions during inclement weather (+) State Efficiency remains close to 100% (-) Late Elementary Students being dropped off near 5:00pm (-) Potential impact to shuttles for field trips and sports events with a later bell time (-) Potential for behavioral problems for elementary students on PM routes due to later drop off (-/+) Neighborhood program placement decreases transp costs (-) Traffic could be delayed due to commuter traffic TRANSPORTATION (-) LE dismissing at 4:25 pm, some students arriving home after dark (+) Maintains ability of older siblings to care for elementary siblings. (-/+) Elem students at home later in AM (-) On emergency days-impacts to parent or after school programs (-) Lunch schedule shifts (+) able to maintain after school jobs (+) may have more kids eat breakfast at school (-) Late elementary dismissing at 4:15 pm, some students arriving home after dark (-/+) Elem students at home later in AM (-) Lunch schedule shifts (-) On emergency days-impacts to parent or after school programs (+) Maintains ability of older siblings to care for elementary siblings (-) Parents meeting K or special needs students at pick up locations (-) After school SAT prep/Tutoring (-/+) No bussing for HS 0 period (+/-) Parents concerns in MS for AM start (-/+) Early Elementary AM impact (-) Parent Elem impacted by having no sibling after school care (-) Additional impact to late start snow days (-) On emergency days--impacts to parent or after school programs (-) Length of day for teachers and Admin may increase (-) 9 am breakfast would be too late for HS OTHER