Allah is Goodness and the Goodness in Remaining Firm in Practice Dispite the Odds
The Prophet knew that the call to the truth had to be made despite the opposition He spend the first 3 years of his Prophethood in Mecca and would attend the Hajj so as to try and call the arabs to the Truth All the arabs would travel once a year to perform the Hajj so the Prophet know this was the best time and place to be to deliver the call. He would follow the pilgrims in their camps and even attend their festivals just to convey the call to them. He would say: "Oh, people! Say: "La Ilaha Illallah" (None has the right to be worshipped except Allah) and you will be successful and by it you will rule over the Arabs and the non- Arabs will offer allegiance to you and when you die, you will be kings in Paradise."
But as he conveyed the message of the truth, the ememies of Islam followed right behind him trying to tear down whatever effect he may have made on anyone. The same as the hypocrits do today Abu Lahab would follow behind him saying: "Do not obey him, for he is an innovator and a liar." So the people would reply to the prophet with the ugliest of replies and they would hurt him and say: "Your own people know you better, and since they did not follow you why should we.” Such is the case today for the people of truth. It seems no matter what steps we take to live the true message of islam, the hypocrits and unbelievers do everything to try and make us appear to be bad to others. Someone says something good about you and then the enemies of the truth immediately come and try to strip you of that goodness and convince the people that it is not so
But despite the opposition, Allah sends relief and reinforces the believer. And such was the case with our Prophet Allah has made it so that the Arabs of Medina had lives amongst the Jews and for years the Jews had spoken of the coming of a Prophet. They used to say: 'A Prophet will appear in our time and we will follow him and kill you with him, in the same manner in which 'Ad and Tram were killed." The Ansar of Medina went to perform the hajj and come upon the prophet preaching to the pilgrims and they observed his circumstances, one of them said to the others: "You know, by Allah, 0, my people, that this is the one of whom you were warned by the Jews; so do not let themprecede you in following him”
The Prophet later met with some of the ansar and talked to them of the message of truth and they embraced islam Eventually more and more of the Arabs from medina embraced the call to the truth and thus swore protection to the prophet in addition to allegiance to him. The Prophet had them pledge: "That you will hear and obey, whether you feel active or lazy, that you will spend (in Allah's Cause) whether you are in difficulty or at ease, that you will order the good and forbid the evil, that you will stand in Allah's Cause and you will not care for the rebukes of the censurer, and that you will support me if I come to you and protect me from all that you would protect yourselves, your wives and your families from and (if you do so) you will have Paradise (as a reward)."
So thus Allah strengthened the Prophet by sending him support and the prophet ended up moving to Madina to continue the call And such is the case often for us today. As we try to live islam in its fullest to the best of our abilities, we often seem to be alone. The people against us often seem to outnumber those who are for us. And just when we fill at the end of our rope, Allah sends one person as a sign to show that we are not alone When we receive such a sign, ofter we are faced with the desire to want to seek out the people of the truth and upon finding them to relocate so as we can be with them realizing that the people of truth are all bricks in one building – thus strengthening one another. Such was the state of the prophet and his companions. They all migrated to Medina and Medina thus became the first islamic state
So we learn thus as people trying to live the truth: People truly living the truth will always be of the minority in numbers And for every step we take to try and convince the rest of the world that our way is a good way, there will always be the people of falsehood following us around waiting to knock down any advancements we make in convincing others of our Truth But again, we should never lost hope and never give up, for just as you think you are alone, Allah will send his sign to show you that you are not alone. You just have to learn to recognize his signs. Finally, it may be to your betterment to seek out the people of truth and relocate to be near them for the greatest weapon we have in the struggle against the ememies of the truth is each other