Education in Emergencies Working Group Results from May 2017 KoBo partner school questionnaire data collection Education in Emergencies Working Group (EiE WG) — a coordination body made up of national and international NGOs, UN agencies, and government —
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 Partner school questionnaire data 3 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 Partner school questionnaire data 3 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 78 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 What are the main reasons for children not attending ECD in reporting communities? 78 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 85 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 What are the main reasons for children not attending primary school in reporting communities? 85 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 6 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 6 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 6 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 What are the main reasons for children not attending secondary school in reporting communities? 6 schools reporting
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 What are the main reasons for children not attending all levels of school in reporting communities? all data together, all levels of schools, all reporting schools (112 entries)
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 As all of these schools are covered by you and your partner organizations, are you doing anything on EiE (e.g. teacher training on managing large groups, multi-grade, PSS, catch-up classes for students that have missed a lot of school, etc.)? all data together, all levels of schools
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 49 of 112 schools (44%) reported that some students are switching schools due to food insecurity. 911 students have purportedly transferred in to 35 reporting schools due to food insecurity. 304 students have allegedly transferred out of 23 reporting schools due to food insecurity. 11 of 112 schools (10%) reported not currently having any type of school feeding or other nutritional intervention and that one is needed. 37 of 112 schools (33%) reported that there are times students miss out on food. all data together, all levels of schools
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 11 of 112 schools (10%) reported having no water available. 55 of 112 schools (49%) reported not treating the water they do have before use. 60 of 112 schools (54%) reported not having hand-washing facilities and soap. all data together, all levels of schools
Partner school questionnaire data 1 June 2017 81 of 112 schools (72%) reported that they are poling stations. 8 of 112 schools (7%) reported having a school disaster preparedness/contingency/management plan. 27 of 112 schools (24%) reported having an active peace club. 45 teachers in 24 schools are apparently trained in psychosocial support (PSS); 88 reporting schools (79%) reported no teachers trained in PSS. all data together, all levels of schools