When the Young Learner is More Tech Savvy Than You! A case study of students from preschool through 1st grade Sarah Reaves, MS, CCC-SLP and Tracey Collier, MS, OTR Southside Special Services of Marion County
FTCSC procedure Staffing to identify what learning needs are not being met. Make accommodations to see if those help needs get met. Determine if AT evaluation is necessary. Gain permission from parents (50 day timeline) TEAM completes evaluation Conference held; changes made to IEP as necessary
The Subjects
Student History Prematurity Cerebral Palsy Eligibility at age 3 Orthopedic Impairment Blind Low Vision Speech Impairment Prematurity, triplet Cerebral Palsy Eligibility at age 3 Orthopedic Impairment Language Impairment Speech Impairment
Preschool Learning Needs AT Consideration Resource Guide Writing Writing name Copying shapes Using the mouse
Staffing-look at learning needs, determine accommodations Instructional Task Writing (draw, illustrate, write name) Recreation/Leisure (use computer/internet) Accommodations or AT Solutions Pencil grip, positioning aid (slant board), non-slip material, keyboarding Tablet, computer, adapted mouse
Accommodations work, no evaluation necessary, make changes in IEP Added Big Track Mouse Worked on scribbling with Mouse Worked on inserting shapes into word/google documents Sign in on portable word processor rather than sign in sheet
Kindergarten Learning Needs--supporting classroom participation Writing Computer Access Word prediction
Staffing-look at learning needs, determine accommodations and/or AT Joy Zabala SETT Scaffold for Consideration of AT Needs Physical, Sensory, Communication, Cognitive, Environmental Control, Social Competence, Vocational Performance, Recreation/Leisure, and Academic Performance. Academic Performance--Specific Tasks: written expression Handwriting is difficult and nearly impossible. Special strategies: Keyboarding Barrier with Keyboarding--isolating keys New or additional AT: Keyguard, Big Keys Keyboard, other alternative keyboards Decision to trial Big Keys Keyboard with keyguard
1st Grade Learning Needs Actually does better with Chromebook over alternative keyboard Completing Assignments-teacher is using Google Classroom and puts assessment in there Computer-Based Writing Assignments: adding word prediction, will continue to trial speech-to-text applications Completing Illustrations, Drawings, Graphs, etc: peer/adult assistance, cooperative work; provide pre-made parts; graphing and drawing applications Reading Instructional Materials: highlight key points and concepts, book holders, text-to-speech,
Georgia Project for Assistive Technology www.gpat.org Supporting Participation In Typical Classroom Activities GPAT Consideration Forms
Teaching Track Pad/Mouse Skills Bees and Honey Mousing Games Jigsaw Puzzles
Subtraction Worksheet
“...I just really like to type…” Lillianna’s Words “...I just really like to type…”
“...it’s better...I do most work...it just works so well…” Garrett’s Words “...it’s better...I do most work...it just works so well…”
References: Georgia Project for Assistive Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2017, from http://www.gpat.org/ Zabala, J.S. (2005\) Assistive Technology Consideration Guide. Based on Denham, A. P., & Zabala, J. S., (1999). Assistive Technology Consideration Guide for IEP Teams http://www.joyzabala.com/uploads/Zabala_SETT_Scaffold_Consideration.pdf Thanks! Contact us: sarah.reaves@ftcsc.k12.in.us tracey.collier@ftcsc.k12.in.us A special thanks to Lilly and Garrett and their families for letting us share their story today!