GSE Primary Source Documents Unit two: Our National Heritage
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: What do you notice? What does this make you think? How does this song show love for our country?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Link to video: Source: Library of Congress What do you notice? What does this make you think? How does this song show love for our country?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: Library of Congress What do you notice? What does this make you think? How does this song show love for our country?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: Google Images What do you notice? What does this make you think? What do all of these pictures have in common?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: What do you notice? What does this make you think? How does this song show love for our country?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: Library of Congress What do you notice? What does this make you think? How does this song show love for our country?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: Google Images What do you notice? What does this make you think? What do you think they are doing? How are they showing love for our country?
SS1CG2: Explore the concept of patriotism Source: Google Images What do you notice? What does this make you think? What do you think they are doing? How are they showing love for our country?