Module 8 Introduction to Validation CMQ101 - Course Introduction 9/11/2018 Module 8 Introduction to Validation Last updated 4/21/2017
Module Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) Recall the validation process for ECPs, including DCMA’s role in determining that validation.
Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs) Match the steps of the validation process for ECPs to DCMA’s role in determining validation for ECPs. Identify the document status to determine whether the ECP change has been implemented. Define Class I and Class II ECP validation methods.
Module Topics ECP validation process (post inspection) ECP change document status Configuration validation Class I and Class II ECP validation methods
What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM) What do you know about ECP validation? What do you want to know about the ECP validation? What do you want to learn about ECP validation?
CME204 Engineering Change Proposal Review Post-Inspection Validation
Why is ECP Validation Important? Closes request with appropriate approved action quickly Prevents configuration management from becoming unmanageable Ensures policies and procedures are followed CMMI-ACQ v1.3: “Once a change request has been processed, it is critical to close the request with the appropriate approved action as soon as it is practical.”
ECP Validation Overall Implementation Applies to revised and produced: Configuration Documentation (CDs) Configuration Items (CIs) Confirms proper incorporation of the ECP ECPs for example
Why is Post-Inspection Validation important? (Select all that apply.) Knowledge Review Why is Post-Inspection Validation important? (Select all that apply.) Identifies changes that need to occur to the product Confirms the proper incorporation of the ECP Provides support for the supplier to implement changes Ensures implementations are done in a timely manner
ECP Validation Document Status Periodically assess all approved ECPs by: Reviewing the DCMA ECP/RFV Tracking Logs Cross-referencing with Government Program Office (GPO) and supplier Configuration Status Accounting logs, if available Has the change been implemented?
ECP Validation Document Status, Cont. Ask yourself these 2 questions: Is implementation timely? Is the GPO aware? Appendix C, Section C 4.3 Post Inspection: ECP Configuration Validation
ECP Validation Through Surveillance Class I ECPs Class I ECP Validation results in: Contract modification Or a new contract thus requiring surveillance Validate in accordance with DCMA surveillance policies Class I (Major) Form Fit Function Interface characteristics Safety
ECP Validation Through Surveillance Class II ECPs In accordance with CMO Local Procedures Risk-based Available personnel In accordance with Supplier Procedures Timeliness Process flow (manual vs. electronic) Class II (Minor) Configuration documentation Processes
ECP Validation Through Surveillance, Configuration Validation Audit CD and CI end product Audit amount of time the supplier takes to update Verify flow-down of approved TDP requirements Accurately incorporated in the CI Verify CD revision has incremented Verify CD revision indicator authority points to the ECP
ECP Experiences Discussion
Introduction to Validation Summary
Key Points ECP validation process (post inspection) ECP change document status Configuration validation Class I and Class II ECP validation methods
Summary What did you consider to be the most challenging aspect of validating ECPs? What best practice would you share with a new engineer about the post- inspection validation process? What was your key take-away regarding validation?