Farmers, climate change, permaculture and the need to know their farm’s geographic properties Cynthia Rice, Buddhi Gyawali, Jeremy Sandifer, Ken Bates, Marion Simmons, Louie Rivers, Jr. Kentucky State University Many farmers come into possession of their land with the idea that they must make the land conform to a particular style of farming. Many of the ideas are conventional with an industrial push behind it which can often degrade the land. Some farmers are finding that they can work in harmony with nature and ease their tasks on the farm. With climate change becoming more apparent with weather pattern changes, famers must develop a new “norm” which works with the environment in ways that are beneficial to the natural environment, farmers and farming. There are many aspects of farming which include companion planting, bio-controls, conservation, land management, sustainable agriculture, lowered carbon footprints and lower environmental impacts. These processes can be incorporated into new and existing farms to make them more sustainable while increasing soil health, prepare for adaptations of new and different vegetation and develop viable practices. Instead of trying to change the farm to apply these practices, farmers can adapt methods to existing geographic structures such as vegetation, rock or buildings as heat sources or sinks and strategic placement of buildings. This sustainable way of living will help the farmer to cope with new and unexpected situations as fertility is restored to the land and climate impacts current and future generations of farmers. Many farmers are not aware of the various ways they can manipulate geological features of their land. Strategic placement of buildings, vegetation, rock or buildings as heat sources or sinks can raise or lower temperatures in certain areas of their land. Terrain Elevation Tinted Hillshade USA NAIP Imagery NDVI USA Cropland USA Soils Farmland Class The placement of vegetation and structures can develop avenues to direct wind over and around different areas of the farmland. The addition of berms and/or swales can increase or decrease flow of water and absorption of moisture into the lower soil horizons. The addition of raised beds, season extenders such as green houses or row covers, or development of shade and increased moisture areas for livestock can add in reduction of heat stress on farm animals and maintain ecological habitats for bio-control and healthy environment. Adams, W.M. (2006). "The Future of Sustainability: Re-thinking Environment and Development in USA NAIP Imagery False Color USA NAIP Imagery NDVI in the Twenty-first Century." Report of the IUCN Renowned Thinkers Meeting, 29–31 January 2006. Retrieved on: 2009-02-16. The basic foundations of their soil and capabilities and limitations can help to determine which procedures are appropriate. Along with slope and slope effects and determining what the water flow is and defining the properties of the watershed(s) on a farmer’s land, future effects of climate change can be planned for mitigation of hotter, drier weather and long range plans for continued or increased yields can be implemented before the need becomes crucial. Application of permaculture practices in combination with geographic properties will allow farmers to work their lands more efficiently and effectively. Long range plans for implementation these practices such as swales or tree plantings (which can take a few years to grow) can be done as time, finances and labor becomes available. USA soil survey USA Soil Dranage Class USA NLCD LAND Cover GAP Terrain Slope Map Terrain: Aspect Map USA Soils Bedrock Depth USA Soils Hydrolic Classification Contour Arbors References/Sources - All images were downloaded from public domain sites or free sites with any creater/owner information attached This research work is funded by USDA//AFRI- Farm Diversification for Strengthening of Small Farms in KY-, Award Number 2014-68006-21865, Kentucky State University.