Preparing for Probation: Elaine Napier – Senior Education Officer General Teaching Council for Scotland
Quick recap: Why does GTC Scotland matter? By law, all teachers who wish to teach in publically funded schools must register with GTC Scotland. From the 1st October 2017, all new teachers who take up employment in an Independent school will need to be GTCS registered.
Quick recap: What does GTC Scotland do? accredits all teaching programmes and some professional learning programmes regulates the profession by controlling access to the Register and removal from it using standards for competence and codes of conduct promotes professionalism through the suite of professional standards, codes of conduct, professional recognition awards, and Professional Update.
Quick recap: What routes are there through Probation? Two routes: Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS) Flexible Route
Dual Registration Probationers who hold a teaching qualification in two subjects can elect to do their TIS year or FR, in both subjects, successfully gaining the Standard for Registration in both subjects
Combination of Subjects: The combination of subjects for 2017/18 are: Sciences – any 2 from Biology, Chemistry, Physics Social subjects and Religious Education – any 2 from Geography, History, Modern Studies and RME Modern Foreign Languages – any 2 from French, German, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin Computing with Business Education or Mathematics Drama with Music or English Physics with Mathematics
Quick recap: What are the features of the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS)? Funded by Scottish Government Guaranteed employment by a local authority Takes 190 days (1 continuous school year) Reduced class contact time c. 80% to allow for extra professional learning Support at school and LA levels Time limit 3 years Must meet The Standard for Full Registration
Quick recap: What’s the Flexible Route? Can be employed by local authority or independent schools Can choose own local authority Can work part-time BUT ... It takes 270 days (about a year and a half) No guaranteed work or support Time span 3 to 5 years to complete Must still meet The Standard for Full Registration
Quick recap: How do the preferences work? Choosing preferences 1 to 5 or using the preference waiver Primary Education 1st Choice 80% 2nd Choice 7% 3rd Choice 4th Choice 3% 5th Choice 2% Secondary Education 1st Choice 66% 2nd Choice 18% 3rd Choice 10% 4th Choice 4% 5th Choice 3% Matching rounds for 1st, 2nd, etc preferences Preference Waiver: 10% Primary; 20% Secondary
Calendar - Now Two “homework” tasks for you: Check the welcome meeting dates and induction days for your allocated local authority before you book your summer holidays ( or info from LA) (2) Complete your ITE Profile
Calendar – April to June 2017 ITE profile: Step 1 – access your ITE profile through your MyGTCS account:
Calendar – April to June 2017 ITE profile: Step 2 : select your programme, tutor’s name and university on the home page. ITE profile: Step 3 - enter at least one strength for each area of the SPR (Values and Commitment, Knowledge and Understanding, Skills and Abilities).
Calendar – April to June 2017 ITE profile: Step 4 - enter at least one development need for each area of the SFR (Values and Commitment, Knowledge and Understanding, Skills and Abilities).
Calendar – April to June 2016 ITE profile: Step 5 - send it to your tutor. Your tutor will confirm it or seek a discussion with you
- you may be invited to attend a welcome event and visit your school Calendar – May 2017 May 2017: - 19th : you should have received notification of your allocation by text alert telling you to log in to your MyGTCS account - only contact the LA if there is something exceptional they need to know June 2017: - you may be invited to attend a welcome event and visit your school
Calendar – July / August 2017 your university will confirm to GTC Scotland that you have passed; there are options if you don’t complete. July / August: you complete the registration process (address, fee, PVG scheme) and get your certificate of provisional registration. you may get the chance to prepare by visiting the school (with permission) August: you may have an induction day before the school session begins
Calendar - August 2016 to June 2017 The Probationer Journey on the TIS: From newly qualified teacher (NQT) ... through teaching, professional learning experiences, observed sessions and supporter meetings ... to fully registered teacher
Calendar – Aug / Sept 2017 Know your own responsibilities: Set up and maintain your profile and portfolio Use the Standard for Full Registration (SFR) to guide you Know and follow the probation process Seek advice and guidance Know the school’s policies, improvement plan and calendar Use the regular meetings with the supporter Review and reflect on teaching and learning using observations Engage in professional learning and maintain records
Calendar – Aug / Sept 2017 Know your supporter’s responsibilities: Get to know you Create a climate for professional dialogue based on support and challenge Facilitate your professional learning Meet you weekly and observe you 3-weekly Provide pastoral support, when appropriate Oversee action plans and portfolio Encourage you to reflect Profile completion Liaise with the local authority
Calendar – Aug / Sept 2017 Through your MyGTCS account at Set up Profile and Initial Professional Development Action Plan (your ITE profile becomes your IPDAP after any necessary changes are made): Timetable – 18 to 18.5 hours contact weekly Record of Meetings with Supporter Record of Observed Sessions Plan and record your professional learning and impact from local authority programme, school and personal activities Reflection on the impact your professional learning has had (Profile released to you after LA has entered their details)
Calendar – Aug / Sept 2017 Get to know the Standard for Full Registration Setting the bar - a clear and concise description of the values, knowledge and understanding, and professional skills and abilities that probationer teachers are expected to have to help you identify strengths and areas for development Fair assessment - A professional standard against which reliable and consistent recommendations and decisions can be made on the fitness of new teachers for full registration with GTC Scotland A baseline standard – benchmarks the level of professional competence which applies to teachers throughout their careers
Calendar – Aug / Sept 2017 The Standards for Registration* (comprising the SPR - Standard for Provisional Registration - and the SFR) The Standard for Career-long Professional Learning The Standards for Leadership and Management (for middle leaders and Head Teachers) * Mandatory standards Professional Knowledge and Understanding Professional Skills and Abilities / Professional Actions Professional Values and Personal Commitment
Calendar – Aug / Oct 2017 Aug onwards: start weekly supporter meetings start 3-weekly observations keep profile up-to-date October: possible LA checkpoint in October
Recommendations by the HT in December for your Interim Profile: Calendar – December 2017 December 2017: Recommendations by the HT in December for your Interim Profile: S: Satisfactory CC: Cause for Concern (on health or com-petence grounds) U: Unsatisfactory
What the Interim Profile recommendations mean: Calendar – January 2018 What the Interim Profile recommendations mean: S – proceed to Final Profile in June based on a revised action plan CC or U – proceed to a 2nd Interim profile based on revised action plan (March); targeted support plan to be agreed
Calendar – Jan to Mar 2018 January to March 2018: Establish new Professional Development Action Plan (for 2nd Interim Profile or Final Profile) Continue with weekly supporter meetings, 3-weekly observations and updating profile If 2nd Interim Profile applies, HT will make 2nd recommendation in March (S, CC or U) Start applying for jobs openly advertised by local authorities. (Can only get permanent job after gaining the SFR.)
Calendar – April to July 2018 May / June: HT makes final recommendation: Full Registration Extension (60 days for competence issues, or equal to absence on health grounds) Cancellation (Recommendation can be challenged for extensions and cancellations.) July 2018: GTC will issue Certificates of Full Registration - and then it’s up to you!
After the Induction Year: Professional Update After full registration you will need to be part of the Professional Update process: continue to engage in professional learning engage in the staff review scheme record your professional learning and its impact use the appropriate Standard update MyGTCS details annually Sign off every 5 years (first time in session 2022/23)
What support is there for Probationers? Local support available through: supporter, department / faculty, school and local authority National support from GTC Scotland: (1) Education Administration Team: Email: Call: 0131 314 6000 (2) In2Teaching Website: Using EBSCO and EducationHub
What support is there for partners? Partnership with local authorities and universities Seminars to share good practice
... grab the opportunity! And finally . . .