“Wrap-around Services” Fostering Health & Readiness to Learn ELPN Service Domains “Wrap-around Services” Fostering Health & Readiness to Learn Health & Wellness Early Family, Community Clinics Learning Adult Education Extended Hours East Lubbock Family Academy GED, Career Certification Training Range of Health Services Ready-to-Read Literacy Support Financial Literacy, EL ROBI ELPN School Balanced ECHS Safety College & Career After-School Literacy Initiative Estacado Net Readiness Enrichment Reading/Writing TTU Dual Credit Granger AVID THE ARTS from Pre-K through TSI Academies Turnaround Pre-College Awareness Exercise/Sports Middle and Tutors & Supports Model TTU Models and Tutoring High School Content-area Literacy HS-to-College Transition Supports Writing Action Research Early College Transition Support WICOR Walks & Supports VOICE Campaign Summer Camps
VISIBLE COLLABORATIVE “WINS” Estacado ECHS Ervin academics two years of growth and off IR status Dunbar academic growth (finally) “15-20 patients a day” from 5-to-10 PM at the two ELPN-supported health clinics Over 3,000 individuals/families served by the Family Academy (parenting and kindergarten readiness) Over 550 residents have attended SPC coursework, certification training, GED instruction Dramatic declines in behavior referrals and in- and out-of-school suspensions at ELPN Schools Growing a culture of academic rigor through AVID, GTM at ELPN Schools Increased Estacado High School graduation rate, dual credit enrollment & student success Very close LISD-TTU collaboration to increase student success Rich array of after-school and summer programs at ELPN Schools (typically only seen at affluent schools)
By the Numbers: GPRA Achievements to date relative to TARGETS
ELPN Update on Estacado ECHS Early College High School
ECHS Timeline January 2013 Fall 2014 December 2015 April 2016 Summer 2016 Fall 2016 1st ECHS Cohort Compressed Recruitment & Preparation Application Approved TEA Application Dual Credit Pilot ELPN Funded
The Numbers 78 ECHS applicants 72 families interviewed 58 students accepted 41 students attended Summer Bridge 56 enrolled in ECHS 27 enrolled in Dual Credit
Governance Structure Curriculum: Course-level Campus: Student-level District: Implementation Executive: Policy, Resources, Decisions
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