What is Trauma Informed Care? A framework that acknowledges the prevalence and impact of trauma, and the complex paths to healing and recovery in all aspects of organizational culture and operation. These principles and practices seek “safety first” and commit themselves to “do no harm.” Ten Tenets of Trauma Informed Care Recognize the impact of violence and victimization on development and coping strategies. Identify recovery from trauma as a primary goal. Employ an empowerment mode. Strive to maximize individual choices and control over their recovery. Are based on relational collaboration. Create an atmosphere that is respectful of survivors’ need for safety, respect and acceptance. Emphasize individual’s strengths, highlighting adaptations over symptoms, resilience over pathology. Minimize the possibilities of re-traumatization. Strive to be culturally competent and to understand each person in the context of their life experiences and cultural background. Solicit consumer input and involve consumers in designing and evaluating services. Adapted from Trauma-informed or trauma-denied: Principles and implementation of trauma-informed services for women, Elliot et al. May 27, 2005. What’s happened to you? VS. What’s wrong with you? Safety Trustworthiness Choice Collaboration Empowerment Fallot, R. and Harris, M. (2009). Creating Cultures of Trauma-Informed Care (CCTIC): s/Version 2.1/ 4-09.