N. Batrova A. Danilov A. Khusainova M. Lukoyanova Kazan Federal University Russia WEB 2.0 FOR COLLABORATIVE WORK AND EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF VIRTUAL COMMUNITY N. Batrova A. Danilov A. Khusainova M. Lukoyanova I’m deeply supporting my teaching activity by Web 2.0 services during the last 5 years. And today I would like to present you my experience and the best practices in this sphere. INTED 2014
The term Web 2. 0 was introduced by T The term Web 2.0 was introduced by T.O’Reilly and he didn’t consider it as the number of version. So appearance of terms Web 3.0, Web 4.0 is considered in different ways. For instance, Kent Porter deems it to be for advertising purposes mostly. The term Web 2.0 was introduced by T.O’Reilly and he didn’t consider it as the number of version. So appearance of terms Web 3.0, Web 4.0 is considered in different ways. For instance, Kent Porter deems it to be for advertising purposes mostly. Picture from http://www.sigma-net.ro/
In spite of the different meaning of the term Web 2.0, Research information (read) Research information and Create content Team work with content In spite of the different meaning of the term Web 2.0, most of the teachers concurs that further development of internet technologies should be used in educational process. In spite of the different meaning of the term Web 2.0, most of the teachers concurs that further development of internet technologies should be used in educational process. It will help to: -manage the learning process more effectively; -introduce some advantages of the classroom lessons to the distance learning; -make the educational process more diversified; -make the approach to educational process more personalized.
Web technologies will help to: -manage the learning process more effectively; -introduce some advantages of the classroom lessons to the distance learning; -make the educational process more diversified; -make the approach to educational process more personalized. Web technologies will help to: -manage the learning process more effectively; -introduce some advantages of the classroom lessons to the distance learning; -make the educational process more diversified; -make the approach to educational process more personalized.
2008 - 2010 At the first stage, I used social networks to organise extracurricular work of students, who will be foreign languages teachers after graduation. Social network Vkontakte was the most popular with the students at that time. 99% of students were already registered there. I created educational groups to discuss some topics studied within the course «ICT in Education». At the first stage, I used social networks to organise extracurricular work of students, who will be foreign languages teachers after graduation. Social network Vkontakte was the most popular with the students at that time. 99% of students were already registered there. I created educational groups to discuss some topics studied within the course «ICTinEducation». It helped me to attract students and monitor their performance. Tutor can assess quality and intensity of students’ work.
It helped me to attract students and monitor their performance. I can assess quality and intensity of students’ work. It helped me to attract students and monitor their performance. I can assess quality and intensity of students’ work.
The major discipline of our students is teaching foreign languages, and they need to have intensive linguistic usage. I took it into account and encouraged students to write messages in our discussions on foreign studied languages. Besides Russian language, English, French and German languages were mostly used. The major discipline of our students is teaching foreign languages, and they need to have intensive linguistic usage. I took it into account and encouraged students to write messages in our discussions on foreign studied languages. Besides Russian language, English, French and German languages were mostly used.
(French and Russian )
(Russian and English languages )
As the result students were induced to use dictionaries (including online ones) for the translation and check of texts. It is also known that elements of multilingualism make the process of foreign languages teaching more effective. As the result students were induced to use dictionaries (including online ones) for the translation and check of texts. It is also known that elements of multilingualism make the process of foreign languages teaching more effective
2011 Described experience was the starting point to use other online services in educational process Among others, I investigated such services as Wordle, Prezi, ZooBurst, Symbaloo, Idroo, Mind Maps, Picasa, YouTube, crosswords, etc. Described experience was the starting point to use other online services in educational process Among others, I investigated such services as Wordle, Prezi, ZooBurst, Symbaloo, Idroo, Mind Maps, Picasa, YouTube, crosswords, etc.
2011 I revealed that students find it difficult to prepare tasks working singly. Thus the need emerged to create detailed instructions to practical tasks, online consultations. I revealed that students find it difficult to prepare tasks working singly. Thus the need emerged to create detailed instructions to practical tasks, online consultations.
As the result, I chose Google service As the result, I chose Google service. It is not just a service, but the whole set of tools for creation, storage and sharing of information. It is also allowed to gather together all types of educational work in one place. As the result, I chose Google service. It is not just a service, but the whole set of tools for creation, storage and sharing of information. It is also allowed to gather together all types of educational work in one place. …
«Unified educational environment of a course” (“UEEC”) Thus we come to a model «Unified educational environment of a course” (“UEEC”), which we used for students studying the course «ICT of education in the humanities and arts».
Unified educational environment of a course (UEEC) This model consists from 2 parts: -classroom course environment; -virtual course environment. Professional (Lingvistic) means
Virtual course environment includes (1): -Google site that contains theoretic materials, useful links and literature; Google site that contains theoretic materials, useful links and literature;
Virtual course environment includes (2): Set of tasks with methodological recommendations [guideline] and detailed instructions for the most difficult tasks; ICT practical assignments
Google Сalendar We use Google calendar to schedule lessons and receive notifications for the major dates of the course. We use Google calendar to schedule lessons and receive notifications for the major dates of the course.
Google site Students starting studying that course have to have personal account on Google. They create their own Google site ‘virtual workbook’ in the first lesson. There they will further save all the results of the tasks completed such as screenshots, reports, articles, presentations, movies, etc. Thus, at the end of the course, we can get a portfolio of students’ performance. Students starting studying that course have to have personal account on Google. They create their own Google site ‘virtual workbook’ in the first lesson. There they will further save all the results of the tasks completed such as screenshots, reports, articles, presentations, movies, etc. Thus, at the end of the course, we can get a portfolio of students’ performance.
Page of Students’ virtual workbook Virtual students wookbook Page of Students’ virtual workbook
Some groups of students, which are the most successful, create one workbook for presentation. It contains the best works. Moreover, the following conditions should be met: -Workbook contains the results of all types of tasks; -Each student presents at least one of his/her work. Examination now is considered as presentation of that portfolio. Some groups of students, which are the most successful, create one workbook for presentation. It contains the best works. Moreover, the following conditions should be met: -Workbook contains the results of all types of tasks; -Each student presents at least one of his/her work. Examination now is considered as presentation of that portfolio.
-Presentation of the results of the creative works. Described teaching model assumes integral use of ICT for the following reasons: -Management of the teaching process; -Management of the students’ studying; -Interactive relationship between students and tutor; -Control and self control for the deadlines and results of education; -Presentation of the results of the creative works. Described teaching model assumes integral use of ICT for the following reasons: -Management of the teaching process; -Management of the students’ studying; -Interactive relationship between students and tutor; -Control and self control for the deadlines and results of education; -Presentation of the results of the creative works.
Google Sheets We use Google tables to rate students. Thus students can always get information about their results from this document. We use Google Sheets to rate students. Thus students can always get information about their results from this document.
Professional linguistics means and resources Professional linguistics resources (PLR) Training means Methodical recommendations on the use of PLR Information and communication Encyclopedic dictionaries (online) Лингвистические словари онлайн Translators (online) MS Office Interactive tutorial Instructions to independent work A virtual workbook Presentations to the lecture material Practical assignments Methodical recommendations on the use of web-resources Methodical recommendations on the independent work Methodical recommendations on the use virtual workbook Search Google Scholar Forum Chat E-mail Kalendar Google Журнал БРС Linguistic dictionaries (online) I would like also to point out some professional (linguistic) services of Web 2.0 used in the course «ICT of education in the humanities and arts».
Teacher and students work jointly as equal partners Teacher and students work jointly as equal partners. Moreover, services Web 2.0 and Google could be considered as the content of course from the one hand and as tools for the studying that content from the other hand. Teacher and students work jointly as equal partners. Moreover, services Web 2.0 and Google could be considered as the content of course from the one hand and as tools for the studying that content from the other hand.
As a result I see the great involvement of students in this course As a result I see the great involvement of students in this course. Teaching with the use of described model in 2011-2013 took sustainable effect.
Google Form
Students assess their performance as follows: I asked to make strict assessment as the result of it is available for the teacher only.
As you can see from the presented figures, students assessed design and structure of the presentation, as well as presentation skills of the speaker. Most of the speakers received rather high marks from their fellow students.
We plan to further work at the described UEEC model, improve it and promote its usage for teaching other courses devoted to mathematic and information technologies. We plan to further work at the described UEEC model, improve it and promote its usage for teaching other courses devoted to mathematic and information technologies.
АlfiraHamzovna@gmail.com Marina-Lkn@yandex.ru NIBatrova@kpfu.ru Tukai@yandex.ru