Class of 2020 and 2021 (Yes, that means in 3 or 4 short years, you should be in college, tech school, military or in a career that you love.)
Alfreda Brown, Ed.S. 9th and 10th Counselor 205-379-4700 Remind101 Class of 2020 Enter this number:81010 Text this message: @macdory20 Class of 2021 Enter this number: 81010 Text this message: @mcadory21
The Counselor’s Role 1. Support the school’s academic mission. 2. Ensure equity and access for every student. 3. Provide personal/social support for students, family, and staff.
Academies *Agriscience *Instructional Tech *Robotic Engineering *Culinary Arts * Health Science *Finance *Marketing *Advertising *Dramatic Arts *Visual Arts *Vocal Arts
Dual Enrollment Requirements Appropriate grade level Earned GPA Achieved appropriate scores on college entrance or placement tests Completed college applications for the program of interests Signed Dual Enrollment/Early College Parent/Student Agreement
Grading May have a credit from middle school Grades posted in transcript at the end of each semester. Check inow often! Grading Scale A= 90 - 100 B= 80 - 89 C= 70 - 79 D= 60 - 69 F= 59 & below
Graduation Requirements Alabama High School Graduation Requirements
GPA/Credits/Quality Points GPA- grade point average Weighted/unweighted Credits (Carnegie Unit) Quality Point General Pre AP AP A (90-100) 4 4.5 5 B (80-89) 3 3.5 C (70-79) 2 2.5 D (60-69) 1 1.5
College go to student/parents then publications then “getting in” Scholarships- under LINKS under the counselors’ page College night. Financial aid night. College day. College Reps. Military Reps
Testing PSAT- early in the 11th grade year ACT w/ writing- 11th ACT Workkeys- 12th
College and Career Ready ACT Benchmark Reading-22 Math-22 Science-23 English-18 Workkeys-A minimum of 4 must be earned in each of the areas tested. AP/IB Qualifying Score Military Enlistment Earned College Credit Career Tech Credential
College and Career Exploration Career Clusters Occupation Search
Student Survey Go to Enter game pin