Learning Map for Year 6: Summer


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Map for Year 6: Summer 1 2017 Fly to El Salvador! Please encourage your child to read each day Learning how to use html coding through the ‘Codeacademy ‘ website. Learning the basics of creating your own webpage and profile. Information Texts Exploring information texts for inspiration (‘Dragonology’) and writing information texts about their own passion. Writing informative leaflets advertising Albany Park. Cricket Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar SATs Revision of spelling rules, punctuation and grammar. SATs Paper Practice Gymnastics Science Computing English Short Stories – Mystery Tales of Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan Read and analyse a selection of short stories from Tales of Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan. Explore the structure of short stories, creating atmosphere & the use of dialogue to advance the action . Children will be writing their own short stories in the same style. PE Evolution and Inheritance Recognising that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things. Recognising that living things produce offspring of the same kind. Identifying how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment and that adaptation may lead to evolution. Year 6 Fly to El Salvador! SATs Revision of all topics. SATs Paper Practice Arithmetic Paper Practice Music Geography Art El Salvador (Human Geography) Types of settlement and land use Economic activity – trade links and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water. Year 6 Production Songs RE Maths Showing creativity through making paper art sculptures. Problem Solving and Using a Calculator Use a calculator to convert fractions to decimals; read recurring displays. Realise when a calculator has produced a rounding error. Use a calculator and reasoning skills to aid problem solving. Begin to use the memory (M+, M- and MR) keys. Problem Solving and Investigations Solve logic puzzles. Work systematically to solve visual puzzles. Use mathematical reasoning to solve number puzzles. Find, describe and predict patterns. Use short division, long division and short multiplication. Pentecost What Pentecost is and how the church celebrates Pentecost or Whitsun. The account of the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early church and how this changed the disciples. Symbolism associated with the Holy Spirit. The effects the fruit of the Holy Spirit can have on a person’s life. How a belief in the power of God affects people’s lives and the community.