Acting President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine is the limit The sky Ola Awad Acting President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Ramallah, Palestine
Public institution; established in 1993 Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Country Profile: Area=6,385 Km² (6020 WB; 365 GS) Total Population = 3.9 M PCBS Profile: Public institution; established in 1993 Provider of Palestine’s official statistics Permanent employees 320; Temporarily 200 per month Large projects: Voter register 1995, Census 1997, Census 2007; agriculture census 2010
Internal political conflict: Separation of Gaza Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility Internal political conflict: Separation of Gaza 1948 1967 1987 2000 2008 Wars Armed Conflicts 1993 PCBS
Lack of demographic and economic statistics Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility Lack of demographic and economic statistics Statistics stereotyping: Statistics = Taxation Absence of “official statistics culture” ? 1993
Feasibility on paper = ZERO WHY ? Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility Feasibility on paper = ZERO WHY ? Building of national statistical system 1993
Sovereignty Case of Palestine Source of fragility WHY Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility WHY Textbook analysis: Normal versus Palestinian situation Defined area Fragmented Stability Instability Sovereignty Partial control A B C Movement Designated areas Perception Negative Everyday’s vocabulary: Wall, trenches, check-points, curfew, permits, settlements, Jerusalem law, closures, Demographic war,detainees, injured, killed…etc
Palestinian cities, towns and villages on the West Bank Israeli settlements on Palestinian land Israeli military checkpoints And the Separation Wall © Mustafa Barghouti 7
In the field of official statistics, there is no half way to do things Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility HOW The sky is the limit In the field of official statistics, there is no half way to do things Stay RELEVENT
Benchmark best practices Decentralization of operations Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility MEASURES Benchmark best practices Decentralization of operations Emphasis on organization unique culture and values Flexibility in operations New measures to cope with emerging situations Focus on organizational and statistical development Public mobilization and support Stay independent Focus on quality and international best practices Be a learning organization
Reputable National Statistics provider (Identity) Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility RESULTS Reputable National Statistics provider (Identity) Strong presence nationally (Proactive) Emphasis on organization unique culture and values (Commitment) Flexibility in operations (Environment conscious) New measures to cope with emerging situations (Innovative) Focus on organizational and statistical development (Capacity build) Public mobilization and support (Advocative) Stay independent (Relevant Statistics) Focus on quality and international best practices (Professional) Strategic planning (Learning organization)
Maintain running of routine programs Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility Maintain Relevancy Maintain running of routine programs Initiate programs to suit emerging situations: Perception of business owners during Intifada, Impact of Israeli measures on Palestinian Household and Businesses, Impact of Israeli war on Gaza, Impact of Annexation Wall on localities and households, Social Survey on Jerusalem Self assessing: MTR 2005, MTR 2008, Introduction of Internal Peer Review (Quality, Dissemination, Metadata, …etc) Planning: Consolidation of PCBS programs and Master plans into the NSDS
Case of Palestine Source of fragility Best Practices One solution: NO Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine Source of fragility Best Practices One solution: NO Best Practices: Yes Produce a manual of best practices in developing national statistical systems for coping with fragile and post conflict
Acting President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Statistics development for fragile and post conflict states: Case of Palestine is the limit The sky Ola Awad, Acting President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Ramallah, Palestine