There is often also a Drone (a low note, held or repeated throughout.) INDIAN MUSIC The 2 most common instruments are Sitar and Tabla Sitar = ‘geetar’! Tabla = drums There is often also a Drone (a low note, held or repeated throughout.)
MUSIC FROM PERU The Panpipes are the most common instrument from Peru They consist of a row of pipes, from large to small. The player blows across the top of the pipes to produce the sound.
AFRICAN MUSIC African music is very rhythmic and exciting It often features drums such as congas with shakers and bells. Frequently chant like singing is also featured.
LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC Latin American music is very dance orientated. It is the type of music you may hear on “Strictly Come Dancing” Samba and Salsa are two examples of music from Latin America. guiro
Steel Band Steel Bands are musical ensembles originating from the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. They usually play calypso music and can be heard performing in carnivals.
Castanets Castanets are a percussion instrument, used in Spanish, and some other forms of World Music. The instrument consists of a pair of concave shells joined on one edge by a string. They are held in the hand and used to produce clicks for rhythmic accents or a ripping or rattling sound consisting of a rapid series of clicks. They are traditionally made of hardwood, although fibreglass is becoming increasingly popular.
Bongos Bongos are an Afro-Cuban percussion instrument consisting of a pair of small open bottomed drums of different sizes. In Spanish the larger drum is called the hembra (female) and the smaller the macho (male). Bongos should be held behind the knees and placed with the larger drum on the right when the player is right- handed. Often plays ostinato rhythms as part of a percussion section.
Other concepts you might hear Staccato – short, crisp, detached notes Legato – notes played smoothly Muted / Con Sordino – a device which alters the sound and volume of an instrument Flutter-tonguing – player rolls ‘r’ (flute) Rolls – fast repetition of a note (snare / timpani)