The Black Death c. 1338-1350
What they thought caused it… Poison Gases from inside the Earth! Volcanic Eruptions! Anger from God!
People’s Varied Responses Wait to die Prayer Party
Religious Response Pope Clement VI
The Flagellants Long processions of devoted Christians. Wound their way from town to town Beat and whipped themselves to show their penance to God Later, singled out aspects of society who were to blame for the plague
Medical Response Bloodletting Plague Mask
Governmental Responses Quarantine of shipping - 40 days (in the wilderness) Analogous to Christ’s suffering - Ban on traveling was enacted at first, then lifted when the plague hit, bodies could not be displayed, candles couldn’t be used at funerals (wax in short supply – probably due to plague), Cavalry Men (nobility) could have someone else do their duty! Boarding up houses 1st case of Plague in Milan involved 3 houses All members dead or alive, sick or well, were walled up inside!
Yersinia Pestis the bacteria that causes the plague Actual Cause… Yersinia Pestis the bacteria that causes the plague As photographed by an electron microscope 2100 x 700 nanometers A nanometer is one billionth of a meter 0.000000001 Virus’ need cells to replicate, bacteria don’t
Xenopsylla Cheopsis Fleas were the source of transmission of the bacteria. The bacteria is commonly found in the bowels of certain central Asian animal species.
Manchurian marmot Hunted for it’s skin Skins/pelts were often traded on the silk road. Most likely the initial plague entered the trade route in this form
The Path
Types of Plague Pneumonic Bubonic Septicemic - Entry through mucosa Disease pneumonia (usually 100% mortality) Exit as entry (highly contagious) Septicemic Contracted primarily through the bite of an infected rodent or insect The bacteria multiply in the blood Causes coagulation of platelets in the bloodstream Lowers the ability for the body to control bleeding - This leads to necrosis Bubonic - Entry bite of infected flea Spread through lymphatic system Disease Buboes, internal organ hemorrhage Exit through mucosa and tear ducts 4-7 days to death 1.8 days to death Hours to death