Activation Webinar
Welcome to the 1Million Project! Sprint believes that by providing free devices and wireless connectivity to your students, a number of things will improve, including: homework completion rates, grades, attitudes towards learning and school, graduation rates. There is a lot to do in order to launch the program, including holding an Activation Day (or days) at your school or district. Today we will cover everything you need to know about the project and to hold your Activation Day(s).
Activation Day Questions and Resources If, at any time after this presentation, you have questions, you may contact the following people for assistance: Refer to the Activation Checklist to help keep you on track: Now let’s get started! Sprint Instructional Technology Department Daniel Cox Team Manager 941-929-2114 Richard Benvenuti District Director 305-995-7603
So what’s an Activation Day? An Activation Day is the event where you will activate and distribute the free devices to eligible students at your school/district. This can be a single day, or it can be spread out over multiple days in different locations. Schools can hold their Activation Day in conjunction with school orientation, or schedule it separately. All Activation Days must occur at the beginning of the school year. All devices should be activated prior to November 1st in order for the students to receive the full impact and benefit of the program for the school year. Following are 5 steps to help your school be prepared to host this important event.
Step 1 – Schedule Your Activation Day Identify the date, time and location of your school’s Activation Day. This can be a single day, or it can be spread out over multiple days. You could also hold your Activation Day in conjunction with a pre-scheduled school event that takes place at the beginning of the school year. Goal: Activate and distribute the devices during the district’s distribution window from Monday, October 23rd to Wednesday, November 1st.
Step 2 – Identify Eligible Students The 1Million Project is for high school students who are on free and reduced lunch and do not have high speed Internet access at home. Students who do not have high speed Internet access are defined as: Students who do not have Internet access in their home Households that have multiple students, but access to only a single computer Students who only have access to dial-up Internet at home School site administrators identify students who meet the free or reduced lunch criteria. Only those students should receive the parent consent form to take home. Parents sign the consent form, stating that their child meets the criteria for not having high speed Internet access. Ensuring that these devices reach the hands of the students most in need is critical to M-DCPS and Sprints joint program success. Goal: Identify eligible students by Monday, September 18th.
Step 2 – Distribute Parent Consent Forms Before your scheduled Activation Day, every eligible student will need to have a signed parent consent form in order to receive their device. Weekly Briefing # 21828 provided a timeline for the project and the parent consent form explaining the specifics of the program. Goal: Begin distribution of parent consent forms on Monday, September 18th.
Step 3 - Identify Staff to Support Activation Day Note: Schools may distribute the devices using the scenario(s) that best meets their needs. The example provided in the following few slides is a method that several districts have used during previous project distributions. Identify enough staff to support your Activation Day. We recommend having 4-5 staff for every 250-500 devices you are activating. During the Activation Day, there should be four separate stations set up (the following example is based on a four-hour, 500-device Activation Day): Welcome Station (1-2 people) Activation Station (3-5 people) Device Q&A Station (1-2 people) Survey Station (1 person) You, as the School Site Liaison, can help the administrative team determine the amount of staff needed for your specific Activation Day. Goal: Have all support staff identified prior to your scheduled Activation Day.
Step 4 – Confirm Necessary Technology and Resources Needed Access to browsers: Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 Adequate power (including extension cables and power strips) Internet connectivity and laptops available to access the Portal; also include a device for the student survey Tables and chairs for four stations: Welcome Station (1-2 people) Activation Station (3-5 people) Device Q&A Station (1-2 people) Survey Station (1 person) A printer to capture activation confirmations Confirmation that you have all the Activation Day materials needed, including Sprint bags, printouts of the Student Account Access pdf and parent consent forms (you will receive these materials with the devices) Goal: Confirm all technology and resources are available at least 1 week prior to your Activation Day.
Sample Run of Show and Room Diagram 7:30 AM Staff pre-stages and sets up stations* 8:00 AM Students start to process through stations, beginning at the Check-in Station. Each Student should be able to go through the entire activation process in under 10 minutes: Each Student spends 1-2 minutes at Check-in Station. Each Student spends 3-4 minutes at Activation Station. Each Student spends 2 minutes at Survey Station. Each Student spends 0-4 minutes at the Device Q&A Station. 1:00 PM End of Activation Day (approximately 500 students receiving devices with approximately 10 support staff) Sample room diagram Check-in Station (1-2 people) Devices Q&A Station (1-2 people) Activation Station (3-5 people) Survey Station (1 person) *Schools may opt to set up the stations prior to the Activation Day.
Step 5: Device Management Portal Training The second half of this presentation will walk you through the Device Management Portal, an online portal for activating devices, suspending/cancelling accounts, student reporting, and managing device activations. It is important that all staff members who are supporting your Activation Day review this PowerPoint presentation prior to your scheduled Activation Day, so they are prepared to activate devices. But no worries – the portal is super easy to learn! You will receive a generic login from the district office. Please ensure all support staff create their own personal login and profile in the Device Management Portal prior to your Activation Day. Goal: Ensure all staff members complete the training portion of this Activation Day Webinar. .
Device Management Portal Training
CREATE AN EMPLOYEE ACCOUNT Visit and login with the manager credentials provided to you (credentials will be provided to your principal by Instructional Technology). Read all alerts, check the box and select Continue.
CREATE AN EMPLOYEE ACCOUNT Select Manage then select CREATE USER. Create an employee account, even if you are the only person managing and activating devices.
CREATE AN EMPLOYEE ACCOUNT Provide the username/password to the user who will activate devices and make account changes for the student. TestUser TestUser Test123 Test123 Enter user information then select SAVE. You can create additional users or exit.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Read statement and check the box.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Enter the required information. If your organization doesn’t use a Student ID, enter “None” in the Student ID field. Otherwise, enter the student’s ID.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Enter the remaining student information. Click Submit. Enter the MEID or ESN.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Confirm the ICCID is accurate. The ICCID is a 20-digit identifying serial number which is found on the SIM card or the device box. Click Submit. If the ICCID doesn’t match, click Change ICCID.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Verify the information is accurate. Click ACTIVATE.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Wait for activation to complete. This typically takes about 1 minute. If the activation is delayed, you can check the activation status on the Student Information page.
ACTIVATE A STUDENT’S DEVICE Open and print the Programming Instructions and Activation Summary. If a printer is not available, write down the important information such as: student phone number, account PIN, voicemail password, account website, plan expiration date, the customer care number and the security question/answer, which is: Q: “What is the name of your pet?” A: “ROVER”
VIEW MY ORGANIZATION’S STUDENT REPORT To view a report, select Student Information and then select Export all records to excel. The report will include these columns, which can be sorted or filtered easily in Microsoft Excel. Student First Name Student Last Name Parent/Guardian First Name Parent/Guardian Last Name Qualifying Student Disability (Y/N) Grade at Enrollment Student ID Program Expiration Date MDN Device Type Device Model Name ESN/MEID Account Status Activation Date
SWAP A STUDENT’S DEVICE Select Student Information, enter a student’s phone number or name, then select Search. Once you find the student, select the phone icon to swap device.
SWAP A STUDENT’S DEVICE Enter the new device’s MEID and select Next. If requested, verify the ICCID.
SWAP A STUDENT’S DEVICE Review the details and select Submit.
SWAP A STUDENT’S DEVICE Summary screen lists transaction details. (If a printer is not available, write down the programing instructions.) Print or email a copy for the student.
SUSPEND A STUDENT’S ACCOUNT Use this feature if student’s phone is lost/stolen and you don’t have a replacement device immediately available. Select Student Information, enter a student’s phone number or name, then select Search. Once you find the student, select the triangle/exclamation point icon.
UNSUSPEND A STUDENT’S ACCOUNT Use this feature to unsuspend the student’s account. Select Student Information, enter a student’s phone number or name, then select Search. Once you find the student, select the magic wand icon. Once you find the student, select the magic wand icon.
CANCEL A STUDENT’S ACCOUNT Use to report changes in student status such as: Student changes school Student no longer eligible Student no longer in the program Select Student Information, enter a student’s phone number or name, then select Search. Once you find the student, select the no symbol icon.
VIEW SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Supporting documents can be found in the Program Documents tab.
Please reach out to the appropriate School Implementation Lead. NEED HELP ? If you experience a system error or need help, select the Need Help? tab on the home screen. Please reach out to the appropriate School Implementation Lead.
Helpful Activation Tips to Keep in Mind Ensure staff who are completing activations record the MDN (Mobile Device Number) and the security PIN for each student’s device: This can be captured on a sticky note, on the device box, or printed and given to the student. After the device is activated, power up the device and hand it back to the student: The device will complete its activation sequence over a couple of minutes. Students can be directed to the device Q&A station to ask questions post-activation For account management and questions, please direct students to use the Student Account Access flyer (please have printed copies on site to hand out to each student): This has the dedicated 1Million Project care # 844-309-1680. The device manual can be used, but any support requests should go to the dedicated 1Million care 844#. It is imperative that the student receive the Student Account Access flyer that denotes the program-specific 844# for 1Million Project students. Lastly, please tell the students to keep their device boxes: This is in case the device needs to be returned, is defective, there’s a warranty issue, etc.
Post-Activation Day For device activation after your initial Activation Day, please navigate to the activation portal at Login with your username and password, and follow the steps identified in previous slides to activate the device. Ensure you have Sprint bags and printouts of the Student Account Access flyers to include when activating devices post-Activation Day. If you have any questions, please reach out directly to your assigned School Implementation Lead.
Confirm your attendance Please take a minute to send an email to to confirm that you have watched this Activation Day webinar. Please include your name and your school information. Thank you!
Thank you!