Presentation NORTH WEST PROVINCE April 2016
2015/16 MTSF Picture per Programme Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation Sites Units Total Expenditure TOTAL IRDP 3 205 3 673 811 588 1 835 3 197 555 912 -1 370 -476 2.2a Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services 278 487 173 739 2.2c Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction 533 101 382 172 2.3a People's Housing process 168 23 954 118 8 209 -50 UISP TOTAL 1 020 2 430 300 673 3 969 2 446 581 896 2 949 16 2.2b Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.2d Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.2e Integrated Residential development Programme :Phase 4:Top Structure Construction (INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS) 2.3b People's Housing Process INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.4 Informal Settlement Upgrading
2015/16 MTSF Picture per Programme Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance SOCIAL AND RENTAL HOUSING INCLUDING CRU TOTAL 296 144 998 252 80 961 -44 3.1 Institutional Subsidies 278 36 000 20 325 -278 3.2b Social Housing: Capital Grants for rental housing (Funded by NDoH) 3.3b Community residential units (CRU) Constructed 272 142 421 -20 RURAL HOUSING TOTAL 550 178 421 101 285 -298 4.1 Farm Worker Housing Assistance 4.2 Rural Housing: Communal land rights 182 1 996 308 623 586 3 611 498 348 404 1 615 SUBSIDIES TOTAL 1.1a Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) credit linked 1.1b Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) Non - Credit Linked 100 16 057 126 19 323 26 1.2 Housing finance linked Individual subsidies (FLISP)-(R3 501 - R7 000) 277 23 359 -277 2.5a Consolidation Subsidies (Excluding Blocked Projects)
2015/16 MTSF Picture per Programme Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance 5. PRIORITY PROJECTS 332 36 147 17 1 1 686 -331 6. PROVINCIAL SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES 18 288 29 283 TOTAL NATIONAL MTSF TARGET Emergency Housing Programme (new units) 308 36 400 367 50 853 59 Total for Emergency Houising Total targets Military Veterans Title Deeds Backlog (Pre-1994) Title Deeds Backlog (Post-1994) 586 Title Deeds (New Developments)
PROGRAMMES FOR MINING TOWNS Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance PROGRAMMES FOR MINING TOWNS Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation Sites Units Total expenditure Kgetleng Rivier 866 118 642 477 59 102 -389 Madibeng 792 229 952 473 131 256 -319 Matlosana 966 732 223 020 1 815 257 416 -966 1 083 Moses Kotane 484 130 634 1 070 136 205 586 Rustenburg 2 417 1 211 329 623 1 435 1 041 229 417 -982 -170 Grand Total 3 383 4 085 1 031 870 4 876 813 397 -1 948 791
PROGRAMMES PROPOSED NOT TO BE FUNDED BY THE HSDG Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance PROGRAMMES PROPOSED NOT TO BE FUNDED BY THE HSDG Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation Sites Units Total expenditure 1.5a Rectified RDP Stock 1994-2002 111 27 712 132 19 087 -111 1.5b Rectification of Housing Stock (pre 1994) 209 17 287 -209 1.9 Blocked Projects 1.12 Housing Chapters of IDP's 2.1 Project Linked Subsidies (current commitments approved up to 31/03/07) 482 42 778 15 869 93 713 387 2.5b Consolidation Subsidies (Blocked Projects) 2.6 Emergency Housing Assistance 3.3a Community Residential Units (CRU) Converted/Upgraded 24 2 577 -24 Emergency (existing units) TOTAL 826 90 354 147 112 799 43
PROGRAMMES THAT NEED ADDITIONAL REPORTS Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance PROGRAMMES THAT NEED ADDDITIONAL REPORTS Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation Sites Units Total expenditure 1.3 Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme (EEDBS) 1.4 State Asset Maintenance Programme 1.6 Social and Economic Facilities 10 000 1.8 Operational Capital Budget 51 908 52 417 1.11a Land parcels procured(IHAHSD) 85 000 Total 146 908 137 417
OTHER PROGRAMMES TO BE FUNDED Planned Annual Target 1 April ‘15 to 31 March 2016 Actual Delivery to date 1 April’15 to 31 March 2016 Variance OTHER PROGRAMMES THAT ARE TO BE FUNDED Total Planned Sites Total Planned Units Total Budget Allocation Sites Units Total expenditure 1.10 NHBRC enrolment (related to grant) 36 080 21 265 3.2a Social Housing: Operational Support 1.7 Accredited Municipalities (level 1 & 2): Disaster Relief 34 962 44 941 Total 71 042 66 206
MTSF PLANNED TARGETS MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme TOTAL IRDP 142 18 118 2.2a Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services 2.2c Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction 2.3a People's Housing process UISP TOTAL 6 913 333 087 6 499 779 814 1 112 901 2.2b Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 1:Planning and Services INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 4 525 256 787 2.2d Integrated Residential Development Programme :Phase 2:Top Structure Construction INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 2.2e Integrated Residential development Programme :Phase 4:Top Structure Construction (INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS) 48 5 281 627 531 627 579 2.3b People's Housing Process INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 50 6 924 2.4 Informal Settlement Upgrading 2 388 76 252 1 168 145 359 221 611
MTSF PLANNED TARGETS MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme SOCIAL AND RENTAL HOUSING INCLUDING CRU TOTAL 3 301 632 99 873 103 174 3.1 Institutional Subsidies 3.2b Social Housing:Capital Grants for rental housing (Funded by NDoH) 1 662 612 87 701 89 363 3.3b Community residential units (CRU) Constructed 1 639 20 12 172 13 811 RURAL HOUSING TOTAL 767 14 639 4 876 620 876 635 515 4.1 Farm Worker Housing Assistance 4.2 Rural Housing: Communal land rights SUBSIDIES TOTAL 2 865 34 3 213 6 078 1.1a Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) credit linked 1.1b Individual housing subsidies (R0 - R3 500) Non - Credit Linked 1.2 Housing finance linked Individual subsidies (FLISP)-(R3 501 - R7 000) 2.5a Consolidation Subsidies (Excluding Blocked Projects)
MTSF PLANNED TARGETS Total Total targets 103 81 629 7 680 353 892 MTSF PICTURE PER PROGRAMME Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme 5. PRIORITY PROJECTS 6. PROVINCIAL SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES 103 81 629 TOTAL NATIONAL MTSF TARGET Emergency Housing Programme (new units) Total Total targets 7 680 353 892 12 581 1 797 925 2 151 817 Military Veterans 142 19 426 Title Deeds Backlog (Pre-1994) 2789 6973 Title Deeds Backlog (Post-1994) 64414 2268 74583 Title Deeds (New Developments) 6817
PROGRAMMES FOR MINING TOWNS Total Budget Allocation per programme Total Planned Sites Budget for Sites Total Planned Units Budget for Units Total Budget Allocation per programme Kgetleng Rivier 1 639 498 63 430 65 069 Madibeng 1 034 80 137 1 069 125 328 205 465 Matlosana 1 151 47 379 1 641 213 770 261 149 Moses Kotane 3 278 780 95 430 98 708 Rustenburg 2 070 106 039 194 382 300 421 Grand Total 4 255 238 472 5 627 692 340 930 812
PROGRAMMES PROPOSED NOT TO BE FUNDED BY THE HSDG Total Planned Sites Budget for Sites Total Planned Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme 1.5a Rectified RDP Stock 1994-2002 1.5b Rectification of Housing Stock (pre 1994) 1.9 Blocked Projects 1.12 Housing Chapters of IDP's 2.1 Project Linked Subsidies (current commitments approved up to 31/03/07) 2.5b Consolidation Subsidies (Blocked Projects) 3.3a Community Residential Units (CRU) Converted/Upgraded Emergency Programme (existing units) TOTAL
PROGRAMMES THAT NEED ADDDITIONAL REPORTS Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme 1.3 Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme (EEDBS) 1.4 State Asset Maintenance Programme 1.6 Social and Economic Facilities 1.8 Operational Capital Budget 107 514 1.11a Land parcels procured(IHAHSD) 4 012 Total 111 526
OTHER PROGRAMMES THAT ARE TO BE FUNDED Total Sites Budget for Sites Total Units Budget for Units Total Allocation per programme 1.10 NHBRC enrolment (related to grant) 3.2a Social Housing: Operational Support 21 503 1.7 Accredited Municipalities (level 1 & 2): Disaster Relief 2 060 Total 23 563
CHALLENGES/ RISKS, REMEDIAL MEASURES TAKEN, ACTIONS REQUIRED FROM THE NATIONAL DEPARTMENT MITIGATION MEASURES TAKEN BY THE PROVINCE ACTION REQUIRED FROM THE NDHS Lack of bulk infrastructure result in delays Project readiness matrix developed Pre-planning (land availability etc.) info not reliable Project readiness matrix to be verified and assessed Military Veterans – lack of qualifying beneficiaries due to income A reduction of targets needs to be seen through Projects no longer implemented (Rectification, Unblocking etc.) means remaining with the backlogs Auditing and quantification should be done Guidance being sought from NDHS on outstanding work
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