The 1960's
1960 February 16, 1960 the sit-in movement swept from the Greensboro , NC, Woolworth's all across the south.
1961 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on April 19, 1961
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1962 Dr. King meets with president John F Kennedy to urge the support for the civil rights
1963 Martin Luther King Jr protest in Birmingham. Also delivers the I Have A Dream Speech during the March in Washington , DC.
1964 Dr King published his book why we can't wait. He wins the nobel peace size . Then he became the man of the year by time magazine.
1965 Martin register to vote. He leads a successful march from Selma to Montgomery , AL. Malcolm X murdered Feb 21, 1965. Three men are convicted of his murder.
1966 He moves to Chicago to attract attention to the living contains of the poor. He and other begin to march against fear through the South.
1967 Martin last book is publish where do we go from here '' communication''. Sam smith elected Seattle's first black city councilman .
1968 Martin is assassinated in Memphis by James Earl Ray. His funereal was April 9, 1968 at the international event. Aaron Dixon become first leader of Black Panther Party branch in Seattle.
1969 December 4, Fred Hampton chairman of the Illions black panther party, is shot and killed by police a raid .