Fall 2017 Weighted Student Credit Hour Committee Co-chairs: C. Mauli Agrawal, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Kathy Funk-Baxter, Vice President for Business Affairs
CHARGE Explore, develop and recommend strategies to optimize weighted student credit hour (WSCH) production to maximize resources from formula funding for student success initiatives and related infrastructure development.
COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Created three sub groups to determine how to optimize student credit hours/formula funding: Increase summer enrollment and increase online course offerings; Course optimization and transfer students; and, Graduate programs
ACTIVITIES TO DATE October 18, 2017 – Kick-off meeting; October 31, 2017 – Initial review of sub group findings; November 17 and 30, 2017 – Deep dive of top recommendations; December 8, 2017 – Develop template for Phase 1 report; January, 2018 – Meeting to refine Phase 1 report
SAMPLE TEMPLATE WSCH OPTIMIZATION COMMITTEE SHORT TERM Target Brief Description Tasks Goals/Metrics (WSCH units or other) Timeline Resources Needed Accountability LONG TERM