Our Solar System A Webquest for Grades 3, 4 and 5 Designed by Our Solar System A Webquest for Grades 3, 4 and 5 Designed by P. S. 54 Technology Talent Pool Jake, Daniel, Jared, Hamzah, and Arvind Last updated on April 2011 Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits |
Introduction You just graduated from NASA astronaut training school. You have studied hard but before you can become a full- fledged astronaut you must complete an assignment. Your Mission is to travel through outer space and collect answers to questions about our universe. Maybe you will even discover new galaxies, stars and life on other planets. So are you ready? Good luck and return safely. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…blast off!!!!
The Task You will visit all the planets in our solar system. You will use the Internet to gather information about Our Solar System. Your instructor will give you a question sheet that you will complete. The Process - Part I After your instructor gives you the question sheet, proceed to the questions on the internet web quest and click on the blue words. These words will take you to a website that will help you answer the questions given to you. Put your answers on the sheet your teacher gave you. Be sure to put your name on the sheet before you hand it into your teacher. Your teacher will decide how he/she will grade you. Good luck and have fun.
The Process-Part 2 After you finish your question sheet, your teacher may decide to assign you a product to create associated with this Web Quest. Below is a list of products, pick one and either work with a partner(s) or by yourself depending on the product you choose or are assigned. Clay model of the planets PowerPoint (a slide about each planet) Design a bookmark Poster Song Mobile of the planets
The Questions List the planets in order from closest to the furthest from the sun?_____ How many planets are there in our solar system?___________________ What planet is closest to the sun?______________________________ What planet is known for its rings? What are the rings made up of?____ What is the largest planet?____________________________________ Who is Earth’s sister planet? Why is it called Earth’s sister planet?____ What galaxy is the Sun a star in?_______________________________ What is the second brightest object in the sky after the sun?__________ Which planet is referred to as the Red Planet?____________________ What are asteroids made of?________________________________ What is the red spot on Jupiter?_______________________________ What is a comet?___________________________________________ What planet was discovered in 1846?___________________________ What planet is the hottest planet?______________________________ What is a Dwarf planet?______________________________________ How many Dwarf planets are there, name them?__________________ 17. On which planet is the biggest volcano located? What is the name of the volcano?______________________________________________ 18. How many moons does each planet have? Which planet has the most moons?__________________________________________________
Evaluation The questions you answered will be handed into your instructor. Your instructor will decide the type of grade you will be given. Conclusion You completed your mission and hopefully you are ready to be an astronaut. We hope you enjoyed all the research you did about our Solar System.
Resources and References Listed below are the references used to completed this WebQuest. We would like to thank all the websites that assisted the students on their journey through our Solar System. http://www.eightplantesfacts.com http://www.kidzone.ws/planets/index.htm http://www.planetfacts.net/venus-facts.html http://planet-facts.com/planet-earthfacts http://planet-facts.com http://ww.astronomy.com/news-observing/Astronomy%20kids/2008/03/Asteroids.aspx http://kidsastronoy.com/jupiter.htm http://www.sciencefacts.com/?p=43 http://sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/space/dwarfplanets.html