S2/S3 calibration Gabriela González, Louisiana State University Plus


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Presentation transcript:

S2/S3 calibration Gabriela González, Louisiana State University Plus Justin Garofoli, Michael Landry, Luca Matone, Hugh Radkins (LHO), Rana Adhikari, Peter Fritschel (MIT), Szabi Marka, Peter Shawhan, Patrick Sutton (Caltech), Brian O’Reilly (LLO) Plus Xavier Siemens (UWM), Martin Hewittson (GEO) (welcome!) LIGO Science Collaboration meeting, March 16 2004 March 17, 2004

Frequency dependent calibration: key formulas interferometer digital filters pendulum D(f) DARM_ERR Open loop gain Optical gain Digital gain March 17, 2004

Measurement and modeling DC gain (measured) Pendulum (modeled) At a reference time (2-3 times in science run): Open loop gain (measured) Digital gain (known) sensing function (modeled, gain inferred) inferred (SenseMon) Measured(SenseMon) In frames March 17, 2004

S2 calibration: V3 (final) http://blue.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/engrun/Calib_Home/ Rana’s, Peter’s Matlab Models: L1IFOparams.m, H1IFOparams.m, H2IFOparams.m, LSCModel.m are used by Mike, Brian, Gaby to produce reference functions … S02-H1-CAL-OLOOP_GAIN-734073939.txt.gz S02-H1-CAL-CAV_GAIN-734073939.txt.gz S02-H1-CAL-RESPONSE-734073939.txt.gz that Patrick’s SenseMon (and Gaby afterwards) uses to produce alphas, betas… L1Alpha.Beta.txt, H1AlphaBeta.txt, H2AlphaBeta.txt (Peter Fritschel: H1AlphaBetaSmooth.txt) and Duncan Brown converts everything into frames… H-CAL_REF_V03-734073939-64.gwf H-CAL_FAC_V03-729273600-5094000.gwf March 17, 2004

S2 noise curves http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/~lazz/distribution/LSC_Data/ strain/rtHz Hertz March 17, 2004

L1 a, b 3% <0.7% March 17, 2004

L1 a, b March 17, 2004

H1 a, b 10% 3% March 17, 2004

S2 L1 errors Magnitude: Mike Landry, Brian O’Reilly Preliminary! Da/a~3% March 17, 2004

S2 L1 errors Phase: Mike Landry, Brian O’Reilly Preliminary! Da/a~3% March 17, 2004

S2 H1 errors Magnitude: Early epoch: Da/a~10% Mike Landry, Brian O’Reilly Preliminary! March 17, 2004

S2 H1 errors Magnitude: Final epoch: Da/a~3% Mike Landry, Brian O’Reilly Preliminary! March 17, 2004

S2 H1 errors Phase: Early epoch: Da/a~10% Mike Landry, Brian O’Reilly Preliminary! March 17, 2004

S2 H1 errors Phase: Final epoch: Da/a~3% Mike Landry, Brian O’Reilly Preliminary! March 17, 2004

S3 calibration: dynamic b interferometer digital filters pendulum D(f) DARM_ERR Open loop gain Optical gain Digital gain March 17, 2004

S3 calibration : dynamic b A dynamic b: calculated at 16384Hz, low pass filtered at ~0.5 Hz, Read at ~8 Hz(?), written at 16 Hz, averaged by SenseMon at 1/60s L1 – S3 ab b a Notice the amplitude and time scale!! March 17, 2004

S3 online H1 a, b Patrick Sutton March 17, 2004

S3 online H1 a, b Patrick Sutton March 17, 2004

S3 calibration: V1 (Jan 22, 2004) March 17, 2004

S3 online Calibration Patrick Sutton Gets better if V1 is used! March 17, 2004

S3 online Calibration Patrick Sutton Gets better if V1 is used! March 17, 2004

S3 H1 Calibration March 17, 2004

Calibration Status S2 calibration: S3 calibration: S4 calibration: final V3 version posted Sept’03 document (with errors) in preparation S3 calibration: Online (E10) calibration V1 calibration, posted on Jan’04 V2, final calibration (coming): calibration for LHO injection times (V1.1?) models representing better the actual hardware S4 calibration: Online info from Sensemon (P. Sutton) On line time-domain calibration (X. Siemens) faster tracking of line amplitudes photon calibrator March 17, 2004