Reflection Questions By Marlon Mendez
Question 1; Part 1: How does your music video go outside the "norm" of the genre? A. Our video music goes out the "norm" of our genre, which is hip-hop, because usually when you think of hip-hop, you think of happier, more exciting music. We didn't make our hip-hop music video like a typical hip-hop music video because ours had a more sentimental value to it, and it showed a person who has a tough life getting bullied. Most hip-hop videos have the main character dancing, throwing money around, and showing flashy things like cars and houses. Instead of all that, we choose to make it very detailed of a kid who wanted to commit suicide after he would get bullied over and over again. He also almost ended up killing himself, which is something you don't see that much in hip-hop music videos.
Question #1;Part 2: How does your project represent social groups and issues? A. Our project represents social groups and issues because it shows a lot of bullying going on. This is a big issue because from getting bullied, they get thoughts of killing themselves. We represented this whole process of people getting bullied constantly and began to think of ending their life. He almost jumped off a bridge until an anaynamous person came and stopped him. The worst part of all of this is that thisis how some people actually think after repeated bullying.
Question 2; Part 1: What will make people watch your video? I believe that people will want to watch our video because of the powerful and strong message that we are trying to show others. The message is showing two different ideas and representations. First of all, we are showing the point of view of the people that are getting bullied. We show what they go through and the thoughts that goes through their head. The second message that is shown in our video is that you can prevent somebody from ending their life. If you were able to see the point of view, you be able to help person and fix their life.
Question 2; Part2: What platform would you put your project on Question 2; Part2: What platform would you put your project on? (continued) A. I would put my project on Youtube, because that would be the easiest way to spread our message. It is very popular and people would see our message
Question 3: Since starting the process of the project, how have you grown? A. Since starting the process of the project, I think that I understand how people who get bullied on feel. I have learned that all the things they go through and becoming more understanding of them, which gives me reasons to help them. I also understand how to film a lot more and I realized that it is not that easy. At first, I thought this was all going to be an easy process, but there is more to it than that. Filming brings a lot of knowledge to you because from what your filming itself, you learn more about the idea and topic of what you're doing.
Question 4: How did you integrate technology into your project? A. We integrated hardwares and softwares by using a hoverboard to ride while we recorded to get a good moving shot. We also used another hardware which was a tripod to hold the camera still while we filmed. This helped us put clones in our scenes because it kept the camera still. To put in the clones, we edited in the scene, which was a software use. The editing software we used was Adobe Premiere Pro.