Mrs. Perl’s Kindergarten News Week of October 17, 2016 Academic Vocabulary Words: In this section you will find “big” words that we have been using our class discussions. responsible expectations character vertical lines horizontal lines diagonal lines ELA . Sight Words: New: to, if Review: I, can, we, the, like, a, see, go Letter Sounds New: /d/, /o/, /c/, /g/ Review: /m/, /a/, /t/ Skills: We will work on blending together sounds to build words. We will be blending and reading words like: mat, at, cat, tam, am, cot, dot, etc., using the letter sounds we have learned! Listening: We will be listening to stories about fire safety Writing: Students be writing using the words to, if. We will work on using finger spaces between our words. Common Core Math Module 1: Objectives… Students will be able to: *understand the concept of 9 and 10. *break apart (decompose) the numbers 9 & 10. *We continue to work on our number formations. Please know that reversals (writing numbers backwards) is developmental. When a child does this I just show the correct way to form it and have him/her rewrite it. Science/Social Studies Students will: continue learning about fire safety. *Please talk to your child about your family’s meeting place, if you haven’t gotten to this! ! Specials: Mon.: Art Tues.: PE Wed.: Media Center Thurs.: PE Fri.: Music
Mrs. M. Perl can be reached at: Classroom News Important Events: Websites: Mon. Oct. 31st: Halloween Trick or Treating-more information will come home soon! Fri. Nov. 11th: Veteran’s Day No School The following are some of the websites we will be using this week in class. Feel free to explore them at home or the public library. *Please save Box Tops and Campbell’s labels and send them in with your child! *Please review letter sounds and sight words with your child as often as you can and read with him/her each night. As the weather get colder, please be sure your child’s winter gear is labeled with his/her name so we don’t have any mix ups. Thanks so much! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Mrs. M. Perl can be reached at: 786-8000 ext. 1141