Understanding More About Poverty, Monica Bogucki, B. S. W. , J. D Understanding More About Poverty, Monica Bogucki, B.S.W., J.D. 2017 copyright Monica Bogucki
Where do you apply for government benefits? Most program are administered by County Welfare Departments County Departments of Economic Assistance County Social Service Agencies Apply online: www.applymn.dhs.mn.gov Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department
What is a Combined Application Form? Combined Application Form part 1 (CAF 1) Establishes the application date Combined Application Form part 2 (CAF 2) Determines your eligibility for a number of programs such as MFIP-S, medical assistance, SNAP, Minnesota Supplemental Aid General Assistance Forms are available in multiple languages Clients have a legal right to have an interpreter
Web site to online CAF application All states-links http://www.cbpp.org/1-14-04tanf.htm Minnesota www.applymn.dhs.mn.gov Minn. Stat. 256.962 (2007) Minnesota Health Care applications must be made available at provider offices, local human services agencies, school districts, publis and private elementary schools in which 25% or more receive free/reduced lunch, community health offices, WIC program sites, Head Start sites, Public Housing council, child care centers, early childhood education, preschool program, legal aid offices, libraries, Must be made available in other languages, Human services agencies, hospitals and health care community clinics receiving state funds must provide dire assistance in filing out the form. Minn. Stat. sec. 54 of the Omnibus Bill 2007 Minnesota Food Support programs must provide simplified forms, and allow individuals to do face to face interview without taking time off from work.
Homeless Individuals or Families Individuals or families who are homeless have a legal right to receive assistance. Need to show intent to stay Some programs have a waiting period
MFIP Hypothetical Exercise MARIE
General Assistance Hypothetical Exercises JEREMY ELLEN
Definitions of Poverty ➡ near poverty ➡ extreme poverty
Poverty Definition Federal Poverty Guideline Published in the Federal Register
Extreme Poverty Definition 50% of the Federal Poverty Guideline
Facts about Poverty ✧ For a family of 3, the federal poverty line is an annual household income of $20,420.00 ✧ The extreme poverty line is $10,210.00 for a family of 3 https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines Extreme poverty is defined as ½ of the federal poverty guideline. www.nccp.org 35.8 million Americans live in extreme poverty of those 12.9 million are children www.strenght.org 2012 HHS Federal Poverty Guidelines
The Face of Childhood Poverty Children under the age of 3 years old in the U.S. “45 percent-.2 million-live in low-income families (200% of the Federal Poverty Threshold) LIVING IN OR NEAR POVERTY “23 percent-2.6 million-live in poor families” (100% of the Federal Poverty Threshold) ✧ ✧ In the US, 21% of all children live in poverty (National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University, Basic Facts About Low-Income Children, www.nccp.org/publications/pub_1171) National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University, 2012 Children’s Defense Fund; www.nccp.org (National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University) poverty rates are climbing to 15.7% in U.S. In 2012 Star Tribune Definitions Low Income Families and children are defined as low-income if the family income is less than twice the federal poverty threshold (see Poor). Poor Families and children are defined as poor if family income is below the federal poverty threshold. The federal poverty level for a family of four with two children was $22,350 in 2011, $22,050 in 2010, and $22,050 in 2009.
Childhood Poverty Children ages 3 through 17 years “42 percent of children ages 3 through 17 years-25.4 million-live in low income families” (200% of the Federal Poverty Threshold) “20 pecent of children ages 3 through 17 years-12.2 million-live in poor families” (100 % of the Federal Poverty Threshold) (National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University, Basic Facts About Low-Income Children, www.nccp.org/publications/pub_1171) ✧
Childhood Poverty 10% of American children lived in EXTREME poverty Children’s Defense Fund P “Every fifth child (16.1 million) is poor, and every tenth child (7.1 million) is extremely poverty”, The State of American Children by Children’s Defense Fund http://www.childrensdefense.org/child-research-data-publications/data/2011-child-poverty-in-america.pdf
Extreme Poverty-Minnesota “Young children are also more likely to live in extreme poverty* with 6 percent of Minnesota children under age six in extreme poverty compared to 5.4 percent of all children under 18.” 23,000 FEWER MINNESOTA CHILDREN LIVING IN POVERTY Thursday, September 15, 2016 For More Information Contact: Stephanie Hogenson shogenson@childrensdefense.org
Minnesota Poverty In Minnesota, 15 % of all children live in poverty In Minnesota, 31 % of children live in single parent low income families Kids Count report by Children’s Defense Fund National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University, March 2011 Low income is defined as below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.
Wilder Research Study, May 2015 9,312 homeless adults, youth, and children were counted African Americans make up 39% of homeless adults, but only 5% of adults statewide Minnesota Homeless Research Study, Wilder Foundation, 2016 http://mnhomeless.org/minnesota-homeless-study/homelessness-in-minnesota.php#1-3457-g Wilder Research Study, May 2011
Who are the homeless? Families with children Working adults Some individuals have mental health impairments Veterans Women and children experiencing domestic violence Many are unaccompanied minors National Coalition for the Homeless; National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty 25-40% work National Coalition for the Homeless
Impact of Homelessness on Children . Behind in academics Increase in depression and anxiety Do not feel safe Food insecurity
Multiple Obstacles Families and Children Face While Living in Poverty CIRCLE OF POVERTY Homeless Teens Community and Family Support Domestic Abuse Education Transportation Consumer Housing
More Obstacles Child Care Health Care-Physical Health Care-Mental Employment and Training Personal
Areas for Growth For Families: Increase safety nets for families Affordable and safe housing Affordable and safe child care Government benefit programs need to be designed as anti-poverty programs
Needs for Parents Improved income levels through tax credits and increased minimum wage Reliable Transportation Improved bus schedules to accommodate parents’ work schedules Provide programs where parents can purchase reliable transportation Availability of affordable auto insurance Living Wage
Health Care Needs: Health insurance for children and parents Mental Health needs More affordable mental health services available Health plans should include increased coverage for mental health services Decrease Stigma about mental health Increase public education and awareness of mental health
Food and Nutrition SNAP-Food stamp levels should be increased to ensure proper nutrition to families and children Increase the WIC program Increase funding to school lunch programs
Educational Needs: Special Education needs to be fully funded and available Need to establish ways that homeless children can continue in the same schools even though the family may have to move several times School programs should encourage family and community involvement to help provide a support network for students and families
Welfare Reform In 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act passed which created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) federal level Minnesota Family Investment Program MFIP-S, Minn. Stat. 256J et. seq. 5 year time limit-starting in July 1997
Eligibility for Government Benefit Program Categorical Eligibility For example, have a minor child for MFIP- S Financial Eligibility Income Assets
Government Benefit Programs For Families MFIP-S-monthly cash assistance program for families SNAP-Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program aka known as Food Stamps Medical Assistance EBT (Electronic Benefit Cards) link in Minn. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Government Benefit Programs For individual or couples without children General Assistance SNAP/Food Stamps Medical Assistance/Medicaid Many changes in GAMC regarding unallottments
Government Benefit Programs for Emergencies MFIP-Emergency Assistance Emergency General Assistance Minn. Stat. 256.46 Effective November 1, 2011, Applicants for or recipients of SSI or Minnesota supplemental aid who have emergency need may apply for EGA under section 256D.06, subdivision 2. (2011 special session)
Poverty has indirect costs Child poverty costs the nation at least $500 billion each year in extra education, health and criminal justice costs and in lost productivity. State of the Children by Children’s Defense Fund, 2014
Food Research and Action Center http://www.frac.org Food Support or Food Stamps also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) National http://www.cbpp.org Food Research and Action Center http://www.frac.org Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-new name \
Food Stamp Calculator Example: http://www.ndhealth.gov/dhs/foodstampcalculator www.fns.usda.gov
What kinds of emergencies do these programs cover? Mortgage foreclosure Eviction Damage deposit First and last months rent Discuss Olmsted County policy
Emergency Assistance Utility shut-off Homeless shelter Broken furnace Fire Flood Other health and safety repairs on the house
Disability Programs through Social Security Administration Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI) Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI)
Low Income Families Who are Working May qualify for programs such as: Food stamps Minnesota Care or Medical Assistance/Medicaid Emergency Assistance
Client has a right to appeal most unfavorable actions such as: Appeal Rights Client has a right to appeal most unfavorable actions such as: Termination of benefits Reduction of benefits Suspension of benefits Delay in processing benefits Sanctions
Appeal Time lines Vary by program Must move quickly to get continued benefits pending appeal
Clients may have many workers Financial worker Job counselor Child care provider Child care subsidy worker School, special education Court system: Social workers, Probation officers Child protection workers