Curriculum Council December 15, 2015
CIU10 Updates
Professional Development December 16: Data Quality Networking Meeting January 6 & 7: Elementary MDC January 7: Argument and Persuasive Writing January 12: ESL Networking Meeting Math 24 Teacher Training January 14: Growing Thinkers One Mind at a Time: Unpacking Academic Vocabulary January 25: Math Networking Meeting The information in Wednesday’s meeting is important to principals. These meetings are not just for PIMS administrators and data entry folks. PVAAS affects everyone, including principals.
Professional Development Materials for districts: Preparing for the AP Physics I and AP Physics II Exam – P. Zober College Physics – Serway & Vuille Environmental Science for AP – Friedland & Relyea Environmental Science for AP Teachers Edition – Friedland & Relyea The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History – Elizabeth Kolbert Teaching Population DVD & Pamphlets The information in Wednesday’s meeting is important to principals. These meetings are not just for PIMS administrators and data entry folks. PVAAS affects everyone, including principals.
2016 Advanced Placement Summer Institute Courses Secured: AP English Literature & Composition - Instructor: Cheryl Petersohn AP World History - Instructor: Kit Wainer AP Spanish Language and Culture - Instructor: Jay Duhl AP Biology - Instructor: Bill Wesley Fifth course coming soon! Scholarships are available! The deadline for the scholarships are February 1st, 2016. More information regarding scholarships: Registration will open by the end of January on our E-LRNR system.
Student Opportunities National History Day PA Academic Competition K’Nex Challenge Math 24 Challenge
Student Opportunities Poetry Out Loud Galaxy Residencies Artist for A Day/Performances The Big Friendly Giant School Time Matinee Eisenhower Auditorium
Student Opportunities Reading Competition High School Computer Fair Middle School Computer Fair Please complete / or forward the following survey regarding interest in the computer fair
ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act Information on All for Ed can be found at: Goals: Instead, states can pick their own goals, both a big long-term goal, and smaller, interim goals. These goals must address: proficiency on tests, English-language proficiency, and graduation rates. Goals have to set an expectation that all groups that are furthest behind close gaps in achievement and graduation rates.
ESSA It helps ensure educational opportunity for all students by: · holding all students to high academic standards that prepare them for success in college and careers; · ensuring accountability by stipulating that when students fall behind, states redirect resources into what works to help them and their schools improve · empowering state and local decision-makers to develop their own strong systems for school improvement based upon evidence · reducing the burden of testing on students and teachers (students are still required to take the PSSAs and Keytones according to federal govt) · providing more children access to high-quality preschool · establishing new resources for proven strategies that will spur reform and drive opportunity and better outcomes for American’s students.
Math T-Charts PDE’s Career and Technical Education website Provides real-world applications to math concepts. The T-Charts consist of three components: a T-chart, a script, and practice problems. Each T-chart demonstrates how a CTE teacher teaches the concept covered by the PA Math Core Standard and how a math teacher teaches the same concept.
What are T-Charts? 4 page document Page 1 divided into a T Right hand side contains examples from the math classroom Lists the PA Core Standard Left hand side contains examples from the trade classroom Lists the Program Task Both sides contain associated vocabulary
Standard identified with description Program task listed Math vocab. listed Trade vocab. listed Math formulas provided if needed Worked out trade example Worked out example
T-Charts Page 2 can be considered the “teachers guide” Contains Instructor’s Script Common Mistakes Made by Students CTE Instructor’s Extended Discussion
T-Charts Page 3 has the problems listed Problems 1-3 created by the trade teacher Problems 4-9 created by the math teacher Problems 4-6 Related Generic Math Problems Problems 7-9 PA Core Math Look Page 4 has the problems repeated and answers provided
Benefits for Using T-Charts For the Trade Area For the Math Class Allows CTC students to see the applications of math Provides practice for math concepts in an applied setting Provides vocabulary for both the trade and math Formulas and procedures identified Provides a real-world setting for math concepts Identifies misconceptions Provides a variety of problems Many Keystone Exam questions are situational (next slide)
Locating t-charts Directions provided on handout PDE Website: Directions provided on handout
Educator Effectiveness: SPP For the purposes of completing educator evaluations for SY 2014-2015 for all schools, PDE has submitted an amendment to the ESEA flexibility waiver that is consistent with Act 82. The proposed changes reads as follows: In SY 2014-2015, schools with a grade 11 will have an SPP score based on Keystone scores and that number will be used for the Building Level Data component. Schools without a grade 11 will be able to utilize the current published 2013-2014 SPP score as the Building Level Data component. Upon approval of this amendment, PDE will notify LEAs to proceed with educator evaluations for SY 2014-2015.
Senate Bill 880 Delays Keystone Exam proficiency requirement until the 2018-2019 school year. Directs PDE to implement alternative methods for students to demonstrate proficiency for graduation in addition to the Keystone Exams, PBA, and other alternative assessments in PA. Code §4.24. Improve and expedite the evaluation of PBAs. Ensure that no student is prohibited from participation in Vo-Tech [CTC] education or elective courses or programs as a result of supplemental instruction…
PVAAS Keystone Reporting for Districts/Schools Class of 2017 and beyond: Student Enrolled in Keystone Course: Score Used Student NOT Enrolled in Keystone Course: Score Used Classes of 2015 and 2016: Student NOT Enrolled in Keystone Course: Score NOT Used This business rule was established as a result of SIGNIFICANT feedback to PDE from LEAs
Comprehensive Planning Webinar for CTCs/AVTS on 12/17/15 from 10:00-11:30 a.m.- Designed for those who are new to the CP process or those looking for a refresher. Register at
Gifted Updates NAGC take on ESSA NORA information Gifted Endorsement Update It will be offered through a Moodle platform. IUs working collaboratively (IU 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, and 24) Gifted PIL Course Flyer (through eduplanet) Course title: Gifted Services that Positively Impact Student Achievement Cost for taking course. $450
PVAAS Updates
PVAAS Updates
Current Projections to SAT Current PVAAS projections to SAT are NOT to the “NEW” version of the SAT PVAAS SAT Projections to the “NEW” SAT will be available after ONE year/cohort of students takes the “NEW” SAT Can you use the current projections to SAT – YES! How? If “NEW” SAT is perceived to be MORE rigorous: Consider using a “higher %” of probability for reaching the specified benchmark 80% likelihood instead of 70% likelihood
Discussion Topics ASSET Training 339 Planning Guidance Counselor Networking with PDE?
Chapter 339 Pennsylvania requires all school districts to have a K-12 School Counseling Plan as part of Chapter 339. Groups of districts should work together to coordinate an effective professional development program to plan and create K-12 School Counseling Plans. PDE-funded consultants are available to groups of school districts in PA on a limited basis. Would you like us to contact Mike Thompson or Betty Holmboeto explore services that might be available to help our group of districts.
Additional Discussion ASSET Inc. Training Virtual High School Transgender Policy
Other Needs, Questions, or/and Discussion Items