UNECE LRTAP-38th Session of the September 2006


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Presentation transcript:

UNECE LRTAP-38th Session of the 19 - 22 September 2006 Track A Track B Exploration Management options Future work/guidance WGSR

Track A-Workplan Conducted technical reviews of: hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE) polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN) pentachlorobenzene (PeCB) short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCP)

Track A Process Peer reviewers examined dossiers and summaries of additional information. February/March –Letter & guidance materials sent to reviewers; teleconference held with reviewers. Reviewers worked independently. The work was conducted in accordance with the generic guidelines for technical reviews. Independent reviews were summarized. Summaries were revised to reflect reviewers comments. Independent reviews and summaries were sent to Secretariat for distribution to Task Force. Task Force meeting & report June 2006, Estonia.

Results of Track A Review Task Force concluded that the five dossiers contained sufficient information for screening in relation to the requirements of Executive Body Decision 1998/2. Supported the dossier’s conclusion that the five proposed substances be considered POPs in the context of the Protocol.

Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) TF supports the dossier’s conclusion that HCBD is a POP. HCBD is present in biota in Greenland and in air samples in Sweden in areas of no known release; supports conclusion of LRAT. Acute and long-term toxicity to aquatic organisms and nephrotoxicity observed in rat studies. Majority of experts conclude data supports persistence & bioaccumulation – except 1 expert (& 1 observer.) Dec 1998/2 paragraphs 2(a)–(b): monitoring information in remote locations supported the view that LRAT of HCBD is occurring; indications of the potential for environmental and/or human health effects due to LRAT; except 1 expert (& 1 observer.)

Octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE TF supports the dossier’s conclusion that commercial-OctaBDE is a POP. Sufficient information satisfies LRAT values. Monitoring data in remote regions indicates that lower and higher brominated congeners of c-OctaBDE are susceptible to LRAT. Toxicity & Persistence: sufficient information to conclude that commercial OctaBDE meets the values. Bioaccumulation: complicated by heterogeneous composition of c-OctaBDE, however concluded sufficient information; except 1 expert (and 1 observer). Dec 1998/2 paragraphs 2(a)–(b): some congeners contained in c-OctaBDE formulations, particularly the lower brominated components, were frequently found in remote locations; indications of the potential for environmental and/or human health effects due to LRAT; except 1 expert (and 1 observer).

Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN) TF supports the dossier’s conclusion that PCN is a POP. Sufficient information, particularly for tri- to octachloronaphthalenes, satisfies LRAT values monitoring data in air samples in the Canadian and Norwegian Arctic. The mono- and possibly the dichloronaphthalenes did not satisfy the indicative value for half-life; information on monitoring of these congeners was not available. Toxicity: sufficient information to support conclusion, based on their acute and chronic toxicity and dioxin-like activity. Persistence: sufficient information to conclude that PCN met the values; exception of 1 expert (and 1 observer). Bioaccumulation: sufficient information, particularly for the di- to heptachloronaphthalenes. Dec 1998/2 paragraphs 2(a)–(b): data supportive of the view that LRAT of PCN has led to residues in environments distant from their source; indications of the potential for environmental and/or human health effects due to LRAT; except 1 expert (and 1 observer).

Pentachlorobenzene (PeCB) TF supports the dossier’s conclusion that PeCB is a POP. Sufficient information to support the dossier’s conclusion for: potential for LRAT, toxicity, persistence, and bioaccumulation. Dec 1998/2 paragraphs 2(a)–(b): monitoring information in remote locations supports that LRAT is occurring; indications of potential for environmental and/or human health effects due to LRAT; except 1 expert (and 1 observer).

Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCP) TF supports dossier’s conclusion that SCCP is a POP. LRAT: sufficient information; monitoring data in Arctic biota. Potential to adversely affect the environment due to their toxicity to aquatic organisms. Persistent, based upon a weight of evidence approach that included information on abiotic and biotic degradation and monitoring data. One expert from industry noted there was insufficient information on the persistence of SCCP in sediment. Bioaccumulation: sufficient information. Dec 1998/2 paragraphs 2(a)–(b): monitoring information in remote locations supports on the weight of evidence view that LRAT of SCCP is occurring; except 1 observer; indications of the potential for environmental effects due to LRAT Existing data did not allow the assessment of risks to human health

Track B review 5 substances proposed in 2005 Review Process (HCBD, c-OctaBDE, PeCB, PCN and SCCP) Review Process Conclusions

Conclusions Track B Dossier Use/emissions Emissions Management Costs and benefits

Management options for PeBDE and PFOS Track B continued PeBDE, Norway PFOS, Sweden

PeBDE/PFOS Chemical identity Use Production, use and emissions Management options

PeBDE/PFOS Further work Questionnaire Management options Alternatives (inter)national regulations Quantification of emissions and use Questionnaire (also for other (5?) proposed substances)

Guidance of WGSR Role of observers in Task Force meetings. Paragraph 2(b)of Executive Body decision 1998/2. Treatment of additional information and comments (summaries). Summaries in track A peer reviews.

Future priorities of the Task Force and workplan for 2007 Track A and Track B reviews of dossiers as requested; Continue work on PentaBDE, PFOS and other substances as decided by the Executive Body. Update the generic guidelines for the technical review of dossiers of new substances. Circulate a questionnaire to gather further information on management strategies and options for PentaBDE, PFOS and other substances. Consider issues related to paragraph 2(b) of Executive Body decision 1998/2 as a priority at its next meeting in 2007. Hold 6th meeting in 2007.

Conclusions Track A review : The TF supported conclusion that HCCB, PCN, OctaBDE, SCCPs, PeCB are POPs in the context of the Protocol. Track B: 5 substances proposed in 2005 More work required on Management Options for substances.